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Alison's POV

The movement of someone snuggling closer to my side wakes me from my dreamless sleep. At first, I freeze but then I remember Emily falling asleep next to me on the couch.

Her arm is draped across my stomach while her head is resting on my chest. I can't help but smile at our position. 

Emily's breathing is even so I know she is still asleep. She looks so peaceful when sleeping and she's so beautiful. She's perfect.

I slip out from underneath her, careful not to wake her up. Good thing she doesn't have school today.

I go into the kitchen and pull out food to make breakfast for us. I'm hungry and I imagine she is as well since we didn't eat anything last night. Sleeping with Emily in my arms felt so right and amazing. I just wish I can sleep with her every night but I know it's not going to happen.

I decide on waffles with bacon and toast. That sounds good.

As I'm flipping the last waffle over, I feel arms wrap around from behind me making me smile. I lean back into her body, enjoying the feeling of her closeness.

"I hope you're hungry." I tell Emily with a small smile as I move the now cooked waffle onto the plate. She mumbles in agreement and begins to kiss the side of my neck, nearly making me moan. "I meant for waffles." I laugh.

"Waffles sound good too." Emily pushes away from me and grabs the plate I made for her and sits down at the table.

"What do you want to do today?" I ask, sitting down across from her. Emily shrugs her shoulders and shoves food into her mouth.

"What about going to see a movie?" She suggests, smiling a little.

"Sounds good. What movie do you want to see?" I take a bite of my waffle which of course, tastes good.

"What about Truth or Dare? I have been dying to see it but I haven't had the chance to see it yet."

"Okay, sounds good. It's a date." I give her a grin with a wink.


After breakfast, Emily helps me wash the dishes. Some of the water lands on me, making me squint my eyes at Em who just looks at me innocently.

"You did not just splash water on me."

"I don't know what you're talking about." I only shake my head before splashing Em with more water than what she did.

"Oh, it is so on!" Next thing I know, the sprayer is pulled up and water is being sprayed on to me, full blast.

"Emily!" I grab the sprayer from her and turn the water off. "Now, I am wet." I whine, ringing my clothes out the best I can. Emily just looks me over with a grin. "Seriously, Em. Mind out of the gutter." I shove her gently but she only pulls me into her body.

"I can't help it. You're just so damn sexy." She whispers, making a shiver go down my spine. What is she doing to me?

"I am not." I slap her on the arm and look anywhere else but her. A part of me is scared because I know how much Emily had meant what she said. But a part of me is happy because I have never had anyone say it to me with so much more than just lust.

"Yes, you are." Emily kisses my nose. "Everything about you-" She kisses my lips. "Is perfect."


Emily's POV

"I have to go home to get ready for our date." I tell Alison, getting up off the couch while stretching. She only groans while pulling me back down onto the couch on top of her.

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