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Aria's POV

"I'm going to take a break." I tell Hanna, exhausted from dancing around her. She nods her head in agreement and follows me to the kitchen where we left Emily but of course, she wasn't there. I didn't expect her to just sit there and not do anything while me and Han have fun.

"Where do you think Emily went?" Hanna questions me while looking around the area. I shrug my shoulders.

"Well, we know she's not talking to a girl." I respond, not really helping. I grab my phone and see that I have two unread messages. I open the first one but it's from an anonymous text.

One down. Two to go. Poor Em was the first to go.


I hit Hanna on the arm and show her the text, freaked out. Where's Emily? Is she okay?

"Who the hell is A?" Hanna questions while looking around to either look for Emily or to see if anyone looks suspicious.

"I don't know but we have to find Emily. I'll check upstairs, you check around here." Once Hanna heads off into another room, I practically run up the stairs. A couple people stare at me as I nearly face planted at least twice going up the long staircase. "Emily?" I call out, hoping she will hear me.

I really hope this is some kind of joke and Emily is okay. If it is a joke, it's not funny. I open several doors but there was no Emily. I text Hanna telling her she is not up here. Right as I'm about to turn around, the water reflection from the end of the house catches my attention. Maybe Emily is outside and has been this entire time.

I walk over to the glass door and open it to look around outside. My eyes land on someone floating in the pool. But not just someone. It's Emily. I immediately start running down the stairs off to the side of the house, yelling Emily's name, panic washing over me.

My heart is pounding against my chest harder and harder the closer I get to Emily who isn't moving at all. "Emily!" As soon as I get to her, I grab her arm from the edge of the pool and pull her toward me.

"Oh my God, Emily!" Hanna comes up beside me and helps me pull Emily out of the pool. There's a big gash on her forehead and I can tell she's lost a lot of blood. How long has she been out in the pool like this? I feel sick to my stomach.

"She's not moving!" I scream. "Emily, wake up!" I try CPR on her several times and do mouth to mouth but nothing happens.

"She can't be dead." Hanna whispers beside me with tears in her eyes.

"Hanna, I need you to call the ambulance." Hanna quickly nods her head and pulls her phone out with shaky hands. She's just as terrified as I am.

Everything around us just kind of tunes out. I can't hear anything. I barely even know what's going on. I just know that Emily is dead. She's not waking up.


I pull out my phone and look at the text that nearly makes my heart fall out of my chest.

You're too late.



Alison's POV

Emily hasn't texted me ever since she left like she said she would. She told me she would keep me updated so I know that she is okay. It's been two hours since she left and nothing. I'm starting to worry. I grab my phone off the charger to text her but I already have one unread message.

It's from Emily. Thank God.

I open the message only for my phone to drop out of my hands. No! I rush out of the house with my keys in my hand before getting into my car. This can't be happening! This isn't supposed to happen.

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