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Alison's POV

My eyes slowly flutter due to the throbbing pain in my head and the sound of the car driving down the road. That's weird, I don't remember getting inside another vehicle. In fact, I remember getting hit by a car and blacking out. Someone must have picked me up. 

Is it Emily? 

I slowly move my head to the left, being careful not to hurt it any more than what it already is. As soon as my eyes land on the person driving the car, my mouth drops open slightly at the sight of the beautiful blonde who is already staring back at me.

How is this possible? How is she here? Did she know I was in Rosewood and followed me here? I haven't seen her in forever and yet here she is, in the flesh

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How is this possible? How is she here? Did she know I was in Rosewood and followed me here? I haven't seen her in forever and yet here she is, in the flesh. 

"Ca-Caroline?" I whisper her name because I haven't said it in so long. I have to be dreaming. This can't be right. She can't be sitting next to me in this car because it's impossible. 

"Hi, Ali." Her voice is light and she gives me a small smile. 

"H-How did you find me? What are you doing here? Where are we going?" I wanted to ask more questions but my head starts pounding hard, making me wince.

"You need to rest right now. I'm taking you to the hospital so they can check to make sure you're okay." I nod my head slowly still not understanding any of this. 

"I need to see Emily." I whisper before my eyes shut without my permission.



When my eyes open, I see I'm in the hospital. The room is brighter than what it normally is but I imagine it has to do with me just waking up. 

How long have I been sleeping? 

"You're awake." Caroline's voice comes from beside me, nearly giving me a heart attack. I thought I was alone and I thought maybe me seeing her next to me in a car was a dream. I guess not. Unless I'm going crazy and she's actually not here. "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." She laughs lightly, making me smile back as well. I missed her.

"What happened?" I need answers. 

"I have been searching for you, Ali. I asked all around Mystic Falls and no one had no idea where you were." She looks hurt by this. I'm surprised she actually cares about me. To her, I was just another one of her best friends. That's why I had to leave. I was so in love with her but she didn't feel the same way. 

"How did you find me?" I sit up slowly, getting more comfortable.

"I had realized that Spencer was gone as well. I tried calling her phone but it was disconnected just like yours so I knew she had to have been with you." I give her a sad look. I hated cutting all ties with her without her knowing why but I needed to do what was best for me. She still doesn't even know why. "Then I remembered Spencer saying where her parents used to live so I went there."

"You saw Spencer," I say, the dots finally connecting. It all makes sense now. 

"She didn't have a choice but to tell me. So I came here and saw your car." A tear slides down her cheek. "I saw your car wrecked on the side of the road. No one was around. Not even the other driver. It was a hit and run. I saw you and you were out. I couldn't get you to wake up. So I put you in my car and here we are." She wipes the tears away and gives me a smile. 

"Thank you for saving me." I reach over and grab her hand. It's warm and soft just like I remember. "I appreciate it." 

"God, I missed you." Caroline stands up and hugs me, her strawberry scent filling my nose. 

"I missed you, too," I whispered, closing my eyes, enjoying the feeling of being wrapped around her arms again.

Emily's POV

As soon as I get to Alison's hospital room, I stop dead in my tracks. There's a blonde hugging her. At first, I thought maybe it's Hanna because I had messaged Hanna and Aria telling them to meet at the hospital, but Hanna's hair isn't styled that way. Plus, Aria would be standing there as well and they wouldn't be hugging.

Who is she? A friend of Alison's? I only remember Spencer as her friend. She never talked about anyone else. Maybe they are sisters? I mean I never asked if she had one. 

"Um, sorry to interrupt." My voice comes out more rude than sweet. 

The blonde turns around and I instantly feel jealous. She's beautiful. I was hoping she wasn't.

I look over at Alison to see her looking relieved to see me. I guess a part of her thought I wouldn't come considering our fight earlier. But it's different now. On the ride over here, I realized that I can't live without her. 

I was terrified at the thought of losing her and I don't want to ever have to relive that feeling again. And knowing that she's okay now, makes me happy. I want me and her to work this all out. I don't want to go another day without her.

I need her more than anything.

"Um, Caroline this is Emily." The blonde gives me a smile which I hate because it's a perfect smile. I hate that she's so beautiful and that's why I'm really hoping they are sisters. "Caroline is an old friend from back home." 


"It's nice to meet you." Caroline holds out her hand for me to shake. Great, she's nice too. 

"You too." I shake her hand with a fake smile on my face. 

"Thank God, you are okay." My dad comes into the room and gives Alison a hug. My dad had to find a parking spot to park in so he dropped me off at the entrance. Guess he finally found a parking spot.

Once he pulls away, he looks back and forth at all three of us. 

Well, this isn't awkward at all.


Alison's POV

"I'm going to go stay in a hotel for tonight. If you need anything, let me know. I'm going to be in town for a few weeks." Caroline gives Alison one last hug before leaving.

Finally. I didn't think she'd ever leave. 

"Um, Dad, do you mind getting me a coffee?" My dad nods his head before leaving the room. I sit down beside Ali and look at my hands, trying to figure out what to say to her. 

"Thank you for coming." Alison grabs my hand and intertwines them together. I give her a small smile. 

"Of course I came." I lean over and place a kiss on her lips. "Ali, I don't want us to fight anymore. I want us to be okay. After what happened, I realized that I can't live without you. I need you in my life and I'm always going to need you."


"I love you." The words slip out of my mouth but I don't regret them. It's the truth. I know it's fast but I love her. I need her to know that. Alison's lips form into a big smile.

"I love you, too." She grabs me by the hand and pulls me into her lips. We both smile into the kiss before pulling away. 

Short chapter but I updated! So let me clear things up. Caroline is human, not a vampire. (If you have seen The Vampire Diaries then you know what I am talking about) Everyone in Mystic Falls is human as well. I say that now because I might include a few of them later down the story but I haven't decided yet! That being said, Spencer and Alison used to live in Mystic Falls before moving to Rosewood. So let me know what you think?

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