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Remember when I said one of the activities Berk has is fishing? Okay, good. Remember when I said I train with Astrid? Okay, good.

There's fishing and I train. If you put two and two together, you will find me standing on a rock and killing as many fish as I can carry in my giant bag. The bigger fish usually taste the best cooked.

I prefer to do this alone. It gives me a break from... everything. It even gives me a break from myself. I don't have any worried when I come here. Just me, my bow and my arrows.

"Hey, hey, hey. Look who it is."

And the peace is destroyed.

"Bog off, Snotlout." I scoff. "I have fishing to do."

"Can you catch me one?"

Why would I do that? We have never been friends. He's always teased me for being Hiccup's sister and for being scared of my dad. I am not scared of him; just intimidated.

God, what will he say to me if he ever found out about my darkest secrets. Like Vidar and Toothless.

"And why would I do that?"

"Because you're my friend, silly." Snotlout considers me as a friend. I always thought he hated me. Or at least slightly unliked me, thinking I'm trying to steal Astrid from him to help Hiccup get closer to her.

With Snotlout, it's so obvious that he flirts with Astrid because his ego is bigger than his IQ. In Hiccup's case, his attempts at getting closer to Astrid can be interpreted as him wanting to be in the gang. It's very unlikely to happen but, hey, you have to award him for trying.

"Okay." I toss a dead fish into his hands.

"Thank you." Snotlout sets up his fishing method while I continue with the effectiveness of my own. It's quiet, but I prefer the lonely quiet. There's no awkwardness when it's just me. "What are you doing out here all alone?"

I sigh softly. "Dad's away so it is my responsibility to take care of the house."

"Aren't you 15?" Snotlout says in a sorry tone, like I'm being forced to do this against my will.

I groan in annoyance and sit in my rock, facing the well-built teenager. "I'm a woman. We cook, we clean, we fight and when we grow old, we watch out the young and the fearless."

My friend (that sounds nice yet strange) pulls a face of confusion. "Says who?"

"Apparently, my dad."

"Is this because you want to be Chief?"

"Of course it is." But do I still want it, is the real question. "I can't break tradition."

Snotlout smirks and takes a seat on a rock a few steps away from me. "And Hiccup will be a terrible chief."

I can't help but smirk at the truth. "I'm mostly focused on the tradition rule. I can marry into it, but I don't fancy marrying my dad or my brother, blood related or not."

"Blood related?"

Oh no... No, no, no. What have I said? Quick, how can I cover this up? Can I cover this up? He's gonna tell the whole village that I'm an outsider and I'm gonna spend the rest of my life in a boat in the middle of the sea as I search for my real parents while Berk would never let me back home ever again.

"Are you blood related?"

I get back to fishing, but I can't even do that with the thousand thoughts circling my brain and my sweaty hands. "It's none of your business, Snot."

More Than Just A Bonny Face (Rewriting)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang