For The Dancing And The Dreaming

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Me, Hiccup, Dad, Mum, Gobber and our dragons are in Mum's den. Mum and Dad are cooking while Hiccup passes them the stuff they need. I'm sitting next to Gobber and Gold-Heart.

"Mom, you'd never recognize it. Where we used to make weapons, we now build saddles, wing slings- we even fix dragon teeth. You wouldn't believe how much everything's changed." Hiccup looks at me and smiles.

Dad takes the stuff away from Hiccup. "Hiccup and Beth have changed Berk for the better. I think we did well with this one, Val."

"Thanks, Dad." Hiccup smiles.

"And I did a good job raising Beth from the abusive Bludvist." Dad smiles at me. Mum drops the fish. Cloudjumper eats it before Toothless can. Cloudjumper regurgitates some of it for Toothless and Gold-Heart. Gold-Heart looks away from disgust so Venom and Smaug eat the fish with Toothless. Goldie lies down next to Saphira.

"I'm...a little out of practice." Mum looks down.

"Well, y'know...I didn't marry you for your cooking," Dad tells her.

"I hope not, her meatballs could kill more beasts than a battle axe. I've still got a few knocking around in here." Gobber pats his stomach. "Ha-ha." He takes a bite, grimaces in disgust, and feeds the rest of his plate to Grump. He gives some to Gold-Heart and Saphira as well.

"And Meribeth dances and sings now. She's the best there is on Berk." Hiccup elbows me playfully.

"I try to dance. It ain't easy with two peg legs but I do sing." I look at Dad who smiles at me.

Mum looks at me. "Sing me a note, Beth."

I think for a moment. "Head in the clouds. Got no weight on my shoulders. I should be wiser and realize that I've got." I snap my fingers in a Z formation and sit down. Mum applauds me.

"And once you move back in, with all your dragons, Drago won't stand a chance." Hiccup points outside. "Everything will be okay!"

"Slow down, son. It's a lot to take in." Dad wraps an arm around Hiccup.

"Oh, gotcha." Hiccup sits down next to me. Dad begins to whistle For the Dancing and the Dreaming, a favourite of mine.

"Oh, I love this one!" Gobber smiles.

Dad takes the jug away from mum. "Remember our song, Val?" He starts singing. "I'll swim and sail on savage seas, with ne'er a fear of drowning and gladly ride the waves of life, if you will marry me. No scorching sun, nor freezing cold will stop-"

"Will stop me on my journey-" Gobber sits down. "Sorry." Me, Hiccup and Dad glare at him.

"If you will promise me your heart..." Dad holds Mum's hand. "And love..."

"And love me for eternity." Mum walks past us. "My dearest one, my darling dear, your mighty words astound me." She stands me and Hiccup up and she holds up her arm. Dad starts dancing with her. "But I've no need of mighty deeds when I feel your arms around me." Hiccup and I smile at each other and we dance.

"But I would bring you rings of gold I'd even sing you poetry." Dad spins mum around him.

"Oh, would you?" Mum laughs.

"And I would keep you from all harm if you would stay here beside me." Dad smiles at her.

"I have no use for rings of gold. I care not for your poetry. I only want your hand to hold." Mum looks at me and she nods at my legs. I smile as I realise that I'm dancing.

"I only want you near me!" Dad starts spinning around with her.

"To love to kiss, to sweetly hold for the dancing and the dreaming. Through all life's sorrows and delights, I'll keep your love inside me. I'll swim and sail on savage seas, with ne'er a fear of drowning and gladly ride the waves of life if you will marry me!" Mum and Dad laugh at each other.

"Me! I'm still goin'..." Gobber gets smacked by Hiccup. "I'm done."

Dad hugs mum. "Ah...I thought I'd have to die before we'd have that dance again."

"No need for drastic measures." Mum laughs.

"For you, my dear..." Dad holds her hands and he gets down on one knee. "Anything. Will you come home, Val? Will you be my wife once again?" Toothless pushes Mum into Dad and Dad stands up as Hiccup and I join them. "We can a be a family! What do you say?" Toothless and Gold-Heart pop up next to mum. Venom, Saphira and Venom stand with me.

"Yes!" Mum laughs.

Gobber joins us. "Great! I'll do the cooking!" We all laugh.

"Thank Odin you didn't listen to me, children. We never would have found each other." Dad walks away with mum. Toothless and Gold-Heart growl.

"Toothless?" We all turn around to see the dragons flying to the outside world. "What's happening?" Hiccup asks.

I feel a tingling in my brain and I hear a roar from inside me. "Griffin says the nest is under attack." We run to the balcony to see a tribe destroying the nest.

"Oh, no..." Hiccup shakes his head.

"Val!" Dad grabs her hand. "It's all right, it's all right. We're a team now. Now what do you want to do?"

"We have to save the dragons." Mum looks at all of us.

"Aye. You got it! Come on, children." Dad helps me get onto Gold-Heart's back and she takes off. Venom, Saphira and Smaug follow us.

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