Chapter 11 - Our Night

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Niall gripped my hand tightly, dragging me out of the club. The paps were desperately trying to take pictures of us. They were so rude and annoying. Also very rough. As soon as we got in the car, Niall kissed me passionately then sped home. I bet we both thought something was going to happen but nothing did. As soon as we got to the bed, we both crashed.

We both woke up with horrible headaches. I got in the shower to try and remember last night. Courtney seemed so mad. I bet she is going to come after me. I relaxed in the shower a bit then did my usual routine. I stepped out, drying my body and hair. I got my panties and bra and slipped them on, but time my robe over that. I went over to my vanity and put on some light makeup. I got my plain black leggings, one of Niall's shirts, and some fuzzy socks out from the drawer and but them on.

I made my way back to the bathroom and brushed my teeth. I put on so deodorant, lipgloss, braided my hair, then walked downstairs. Niall was wearing a navy v neck and some sweats. "Hey." he smiled and kissed me. I sat at the island eating some grapes. "What time is Lou dropping Evelynn here?" I asked him.

"She said she would be here in an hour." he replied. He finished fixing me a cup of tea and we walked to the lounge (the place where the stairs are. I'm eying to find a pic but it's like my cousins house lol) we sat on the couch and he turned on the tv throwing his arm around me, and I snuggled in his chest.

Right as the movie ended, the doorbell rang. Niall got up to get it. It had been about two minutes since he left. "babe who is it?" I called. No answer. I sighed getting up from where I was. And peeked around the corner. Niall and ugh Courtney were talking. Niall looked like he was gunna cry. He shut the door and invited her in. "What's going on?" I asked. Courtney smirked as Niall pulled her into the other room.

The doorbell rang again and it was Lou. I explained to her what was happening and she stayed for a long time, talking with me. Evelynn went to go see nail and came back looking scared. "What's wrong hunny? " I asked her.

"Daddy told me to leave." she cried running to me. I looked at Lou for help. I was so confused.


Courtney finally left giving Niall a kiss in the cheek. "Niall what the hell?" I asked him as soon as the he shut the door. He ignored me. I'm totally done. I stormed past him and went up to my room. I packed 4 days worth of stuff for me and Evelynn. I grabbed my keys and our stuff and we went downstairs.

"Where are you going?" Niall asked. I looked at him and blinked, I put my hand in the door, and left with Evelynn in my arms.

I had no idea what was going on with Niall but I think we both need a break to clear my head.


I got to El's house and I knocked on the door. She saw what I was holding and let me in. Evelynn went for her nap and I explains how all the sudden Niall was mad at me. I even told her about what Courtney had said to me.

Niall's POV


I couldn't believe what Courtney had told me. I honestly don't know why I believed her. As soon and Mikayla left, I broke down. I should have just talked to her instead of ignoring her.

Evelynn • n.hDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora