Chapter 10 - break

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I looked at her smirking at me. What the hell Niall. I stormed out of the room tears threatening to spill. He could have at least told me. I haven't spent time with him alone in 3 days. He just ditched me for that bitch. He said he was taking her home. I think. Maybe I'm overreacting. Or maybe she is trying to break us up. I was in the kitchen cleaning up when she walked in.

"Listen you little whore, Niall was MINE first and I'm getting him back. You better back off my man ok? Leave him alone." she snapped at me t. I stood there, shocked but I laughed.

"No you listen you little bitch. You see this?" I asked pointing to the ring on my finger, "this means he is MINE and he loves me for me and I love him. I'm not a gold digger like you so YOU need to back off my man! he wouldn't leave me for you especially because we have a daughter and he loves me." I said smirking. She stomped her foot and went back to the room.

She was here all day glaring at me when Niall wasn't looking. Tonight we were going clubbing. Evelynn was at Kevin's sleeping over so we had no worries. Except for that bitch was coming. That's why I picked out a semi slutty dress that made my boobs look really good and so do my legs. We got to the club and Niall lead me, ME to the vip lounge. He had a couple beers until he took me to the dance floor. He was just tipsy so he knew exactly what he was doing

It was a fast song so he put his hands on my hips. "You look amazing babe." he told me. I just smirked at him. Across the room I saw Courtney fuming with anger. Then a Kiss Me came on and I wrapped my arms around his neck and he put his hands on my hips.

"This is our song Mickey" he said softly and kissed me softly love and passion. I really love this man. Our lips moved in sync lightly. We pulled away and rested our foreheads to each other. "youll be my lady" he sang along ,"I'm in love now Kiss me like u wanna be loved

you wanna be loved

you wanna be loved

This feels like fallen in love

fallen in love

fallen in love."

The song was ending and we stared at eachother, eyes locked as he whispered "We've fallen in love." Then we left the club hand in hand, my head on his shoulder, to go home.

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