Chapter 6

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I walked over to Niall and sat down next one. I grabbed his hand and sat down on the couch. Time to work my Mikayla Magic. "Soo Niall having fun?" I asked him in a flirty tone. He liked really nervous and nodded. "Oh Niall I love this song let's go dance." I said smirking at him. "O-oh-kay." He said nervously yet again. We got to the dance floor and and I placed his hands on my hips and we moved to the music. We danced for a couple songs and took a drink break.

We both ordered a beer. A blonde bimbo came up and started flirting with him. I turned the other way and saw a guy staring at me. He walked over and started touching me. "Can you stop?" I said panicking. Niall was too busy with the girl. I caught Harry's eye and he came to help me. "Get away from my girlfriend" I heard an Irish voice ask. The guy backed off. "Iv been meaning to ask you Mikayla, will you be my girlfriend?" he asked smiling. I nodded and kissed him.

"YOU BITCH!!" I heard Barbara tell. We broke apart and she slapped me. "Just because he's drunk doesn't give you the right to kiss MY boyfriend!" he yelled. "Barbra! what the hell?! I'm not drunk and I am DEFINITELY NOT your boyfriend! Just leave my girlfriend and me THE HELL ALOOONE GOT IT?" he said to her raising his voice a bit. "lets go babe." he said gripping my hand tightly and guided me out of the club

Evelynn • n.hOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora