"I'm gonna go check on her." Logan said and with that I ran to my room and locked the door.

Crap I forgot my Covers and pillows.

I ran over to my dresser and put on some joggers along with a thrasher T-shirt. I tried to find a bra and panties that wasn't lacy but I had no luck so I just put on a black lacy set along with my uggs.

It was around the end of summer time but wasn't exactly fall so it wasn't too chilly but I'm always cold so I decided to grab a jacket and through on some black uggs.

I grabbed my purse and stuff my things I needed in there.

I decided I looked like complete crap today and since today is the first day the pack will see me I decided to beat my face with a little bit of makeup.

I put on foundation, powder, highlighter, dark nude eyeshadow, did my brows, put on bronzer to sculpt my face, concealer because I had bags from the crazy night, winged eyeliner, false lashes, and to top it off some good ol carmex.

I threw my hair up into a messy bun and looked in the mirror to make sure I didn't look like a complete rat.

I went into the bathroom to put my dirty clothes from last night away.

I took Cameron's number out of the hoodie and put it in my phone. I decided I would check my phone while I'm waiting for my uber to get here.

That reminds me I need to go call a uber.

I walked out of the bathroom to go get my phone out of my purse and grab my jacket to leave.

I gasped and jumped in my spot when I seen Logan sitting on my bed eyes focused on his phone.

"I had my door locked how..." I started and stood there confused.

"I'm the alpha, this is my pack house. I have the keys to every door besides the ones I let people live in." He said answering my unasked question.

"Well I live in here you shouldn't have that key" I said walking over to my dresser to collect my things.

I shoved Cameron's number into my pocket and collected the number from my dresser that Logan's dad gave me. I will put both of them in when I get into the uber.

I shuffled in my purse to find my phone and shoved it into my pocket along with the numbers she popped a piece of gum into my mouth after.

"You are supposed to be in my room you're just staying in here till you want to come with me." he said watching me with a bored look,

"Yeah okay whatever. I'm going now stay out of my clothes and keep me out of your thoughts while I'm gone." I said giving him a annoyed pointed look.

He avoided eye contact again since it was a awkward subject for him. I turned around with a smug look on my face happy I made him uncomfortable.

"Will you please bring my Teddy and covers up while I'm gone" I said turning around one last time.

"I'm not your slave but I will do it this time and only this time." he said with a now angry and annoyed tone.

"Thanks Daddy" I said in a seductive tone.

In the blink of an eye Logan pulled me back against his front, wrapped his arms around me to cage me in, and had his head buried in my neck close to the place he was supposed to mark.

"If you want me to keep you out of my thoughts I advice you don't do that. My wolf has kinks babe" Logan said his lips lightly brushing my ear.

My breath hitched at how close we was. And for once we wasn't fighting.

I didn't realise how good this felt and how much I wanted this.

Not now Ella.

I had to build up enough strength stop it. And damn was it hard.

He started kissing my neck everywhere but the place he supposed to mark.

My hand flung up and tangled itself into his hair without my consent.

He let out a throaty groan and kissed up to my marking spot.

He hovered over the spot and I shivered under his touch.

I want him to just kiss it once then I'll pull away I promise.

My wolf was ignoring me and enjoying this moment as was I.

He lightly pecked my spot and I let out a breathy moan.

I felt him start to poke into my lower back and for some reason I wasn't disgusted instead I was a bit... turned on?

He gave me more a a wet sloppy kiss on my spot and my legs were slowly starting to numb and feel like jello but lucky for me he still had his arms around me holding me up in place.

He lightly started sucking on the spot and I gave another moan but kept it in my mouth.

The sucking got a little more intense and now I was squirming. I didn't know how to handle this much pleasure all at once.

My eyes were gold no doubt but my wolf in full control just nearly.

I started grinding up against him feeling his hard for me.

He tightened his hold and groaned.

"Harder" he whispered into my ear causing me to send sparks to my parts and get tingly. My stomach clenched at what was happening right now. I knew I was wet no doubt.

I did as told and he threw his head back letting out sexy low groans.

We probably looked really needy and horny standing here in my room in front of my door while its wide open.

I wonder what his lips taste like against mine.

I wanted to stop but I needed this right now I'll regret it later.

I felt his canines graze my neck.

Crap I can't let him mark me right now. I leaned my head to the side his head was currently at so he wouldn't have any access.

He just went to the other side.

Way to ruin the mood Logan.

I need to stop this.

But I feel bad I just got him all aroused and now I'm leaving him like this.

I give him my macbook so he can watch some porn. And while I'm out I'll buy him some coconut oil, Alex mentioned it made great lube. I might even buy him a pocket pus if I keep doing this to the poor guy.

"I'm sorry excuse me Alpha?" I girl voice asked.

I pulled away from him and stumbled back in the blink of an eye.

My eyes were wide and I was covering my mouth with my hand.

Oh god, oh no. Crap.

Logan was just standing there watching me frantically move with a dazed look.

His eyes were really dark. Dang.

And he's really hard and he looks really big. Crap.

"Yea?" Logan said still dazed with lust in his eyes.

"You wanted me to shop with Luna?" she said making sure she was correct.

"Oh yes, thank you for coming I will send Luna down when she's ready wait in the living room." Logan said to the girl.

"Your making someone watch me?" I said surprised that he doesn't trust me.

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