Chapter 1: High School Is Shit

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Okay, look. Here's the thing. You need to know that I'm not usually someone that does new things. I'm the loner. I'm the 'sits in the corner by themselves' loser. I've never been popular. I don't care about popularity. I'm okay with my social status. What I'm not okay with is the looks I get from everyone... They look at me like I'm an alien creature or something. I can't handle the girls talking shit about me, practically to my face. I hate how immature most of the guys are. However there are a few guys that are actually, somewhat, decent human beings... Jeremy Heere, Michael Mell, and Sam Falster. Jeremy and Michael would smile passing in the halls occasionally but Sam was super popular. Always hanging out with Jake and Rich.

When I'm at school, I do a pretty good job at hiding my emotions. By looking at me, you'd think I was preppy and beyond happy... But none of it's true. I hate having to be fake at school. I hate having these anxious and depressing feelings inside of me. Getting up in the morning and getting to school is hard enough, but then you add the torment of my high school peers, and you get a perfect cocktail for anxiety, depression, and a lot of lies. "How are you today?" "I'm great!" Yeah, that's complete bullshit.

Everyone's got shit to deal with. But everyone here seems to have someone else to help them through it. If not a significant other, than a friend. This was my first year at Middleborough... . So as you can imagine, my first week went great... No. It was total shit.

What was I gonna do? I had no friends. No boyfriend or girlfriend. Nothing. I was all alone. And every single moment I was alone just made it worse. I felt so terrible about myself. I didn't like it. I didn't like it at all. In middle school, I had friends and was happy... What happened to that girl? Where'd she go?

Math class was Hell. Rich sat at a desk behind me and was pulling on my ponytail. It was so annoying. Oh and then to top it off, I'm pretty sure Jake shot a spit ball at me in the neck. The bullying was a given. It wasn't anything I hadn't already gone through but... I don't know. Today... Today it was just too much for me to handle.

I put all my shit back into my backpack and got up in the middle of class. I didn't say anything. I just started walking towards the door. "Y/N! Where do you think you're going?!" Miss. Boyer yelled to me as I opened the door to the hallway. I didn't answer her. I didn't even give her a second glance. I just had to get out of there.

I thought that maybe some fresh air would do me some good. I headed off towards the football field. I sat in the stadium and put my head in my hands. I couldn't help it. I started to cry. It had all become too much. High school just wasn't for me. It was a torture chamber.

Only 10, maybe 15, minutes had passed when I noticed two figures blocking the sun and covering me in shade. I lifted my head to see Rich and Jake. I wiped my eyes, looking away, and scoffed. "Guys. This isn't a good time. K?" I said with a mock preppy tone in my voice. I thought they were going to badger me or something, but they didn't. They just gave each other a look that was long enough to make the situation awkward, and sat down on either side of me. "What?" I said annoyed.

"Y/N. Look. We're sorry, okay?" Rich said.

"Oh, well that sounds sincere." I said sarcastically.

"We really are." Jake added.

"Um... Okay... Why though?"

"Because now we know how you're feeling and we feel guilty for basically treating you like shit the past few weeks." Rich tried to explain.

"How I'm feeling? You nothing about how I'm feeling?" I clutched my backpack and went to stand up. "I'm outta here." I said trying to make my exit but he grabbed my wrist to stop me. Rich was stronger than I had anticipated. "Wait." He said. "You're sad."

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