F21. Bellatrix x Riddle!Reader

Start from the beginning

"Take a seat." Voldemort stood mere feet from me his head inclining towards the desk. "It is nice to finally get to meet with you, Miss Black. Please don't mind my guard, merely a precaution. You must understand, once you see my face I can't allow you to leave unless I know you are loyal to me."

"Of course, Sir." I moved slightly self-conscious in the gaze of Voldemorts brown eyes. They held an intensity I think I'd seen before. I couldn't think where. I knew there were lots of stories about what Voldemort would ask you to do to test your loyalty. "How am I to prove myself to you?"

Voldemort looked half amused for a second chuckling lightly to himself. "What can you do. What can you do? I have heard a few rumours, is it true that you have a little girlfriend?" I nodded my head silently. Oh no he wants something to do with y/n. "I want you to kill her."

I gulped, I love y/n so much. I can't do this. I looked around frantically, looking for an excuse. I noticed a photo on Voldemorts desk. there was a photo, it looked like him and a girl, is that y/n?

I looked around for more photos, there was a few more of y/n, as a kid, as a teen, as she is now

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I looked around for more photos, there was a few more of y/n, as a kid, as a teen, as she is now. "mm, Sir, who is that?" I pointed at the photo on his desk.

Voldemort picked the photo up, his thumb grazed over the photo. "This? This is my daughter, y/n. Why?"

Oh god, I'm not sure if this is a good idea. "Is she here?"


there was a dead silent pause. Then Voldemort yelled. "Y/n!"

The girl came through the door, at least I think it was her. She had a mask and goggles on as well as a cloak. I think I had seen this figure around, she was never far from Voldemorts side and she never came near the new ones. Once the door closed behind her she hung her cloak on the door. She pulled the mask past her chin so it hung around her neck, the goggles were then pushed up into her y/c, y/l hair.

Her smile was like poison, it was scary seductive. "What do you need, father? An assassin?" words like poison fell from her blood red lips. So this was the y/n who worked for the Death Eaters? She kinda scared me. She hadn't looked at me yet.

"Y/n, dear, turn around. Do you know this girl? She asked me about your photo."

Her y/c hair swirled around her like a halo. Her dark/light y/c eyes fixed with mine, a smirk resting on her lips. Her eyes roamed over my body, a sense of overexposure passed over me.

I gulped knowing full well I had to choose my next words carefully, y/n and Voldemort both staring at me. Before I could speak The Dark Lord's voice cut through the silence like a blade through the water. "Well, do you know this girl?"

"Yes, father." Y/n eyes were locked with mine not looking away, at Voldemort but staring straight into my own black eyes. "This is my girlfriend, Bella. And if you have a problem with that then you'll just have to get over it."

The Dark Lord was clearly not used to being talked to like this. At a loss for words, Voldemort didn't seem to know what to do. "Well then, uh, Welcome to the family, Bellatrix, and welcome to my circle."

"If that's all father, then we shall be taking our leave."

Voldemort sat up at his desk, fixing the tie around his neck. "Very well then, but I expect to see you two at the Circle dinner tonight. A tradition to welcome a new member."

Y/n got up and bowed to her father, I felt like maybe I should too. Afterwards, she pulled the mask back onto her face and the goggles to cover her eyes. The amber glass cast shadows on her tired eyes. They seemed darker than normal, there was an odd fire, a passion I had never seen reflected in her y/c eyes.

Y/n grabbed my hand after the office door had shut, no all that gently I might add. I could hear a rather muffled whisper "Follow." I obeyed. My girlfriend dragged me down corridors, around corners and through a courtyard, and down a few sets of steps.

She yanked open a copper door, set in the stone walls

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She yanked open a copper door, set in the stone walls. The door looked rather heavy, solid metal dragging on the floor of the stone corridor. It opened up to a beautiful dark room. I realised this was probably y/n's room. I walked in a sort of dazed state, it wasn't much like our apartment. There were much darker colours here. An ebony desk set next to a large bookshelf.

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I faintly heard a grunt as y/n pushed the door shut again

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I faintly heard a grunt as y/n pushed the door shut again. I turned to see her throwing her mask off and banging her goggles down on her desk. Her coat hung on the back of the door. She was dressed more like my y/n. Black jeans and a t-shirt. "So babe. What is this 'Circle Dinner' your father talks about?" I sat myself down on the bed picking up y/n's glasses from beside her bed. I really like to wear them even if I didn't need glasses.

Y/n had now secured her y/c locks with a band of leather. Something she always did when she was going to draw, sure enough, she had her materials covering her desk. "The Circle Dinner is a tradition within the Death Eaters. It's a night where the inner circle welcomes a new member with a fancy dress party and an amazing meal. It's one of my favourite parts of new people joining. For once I don't have to wear the mask. Although I think tonight's theme is a masquerade ball."

"Oh, will you go as my date?" y/n gave me a confused look. "It is a ball after all."

"Of course, mon amour."

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