Chapter 1

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I woke to the bright morning sun cutting its way through a crack in the curtains, finding a direct path to my eyes. Of course. Behind me is Hudson my human lover, sleeping quietly. In a few hours time I shall have to leave his world for my own, yet again another month has rolled around and yet again my species go into their full moon cycle. It is the way of the werewolf. It wasn't necessary for me to leave Elm'nyth for full moon, it was just easier. I could control my inner wolf but I preferred to go back home for it rather than take the risk.

"Daddy, Daddy." his brat of a child ran into the room, scowling when he sees me.

I wasn't sure what I did to deserve the looks but I got them anyway. He should have been grateful, I was the reason he was free. But it was a concept that a child could not understand so neither I nor Hudson bothered to explain it to him. I quickly look away and slip in the coloured contacts, so he doesn't see my wolf eyes. Red irises with narrow pupils, unusual and obvious. Hudson rolls over and looks at him.

"What's up Jojo?"

"There's a strange lady outside."

I got up and pulled the curtain back slightly. As he said a woman was standing at the gate, she sniffed the air, hot and dry now that the planet was dying. Instantly her eyes meet mine and I knew why she was here. Shit. The wind curled up, the dust flying around her, in seconds she was in the room. Hudson and Joey were frozen in their spots. She sniffed the air.

"Dark being?"

I nodded.

"I am looking for Samarl Aaliyah Cardenstry."

She looked down at Hudson frozen in his place, obviously thinking it was him. The joy of my first name, a name commonly given to boys but as the first born my father gave it to me.

"That's me."

She frowned as she pulls the papers from her pocket.

"General Samarl Aaliyah Cardenstry of the Askara'velmanti realm?"

"Yes." I sighed. "What now? I left the service ten years ago."


"Yes I'm a woman, so what?"

"Sorry, I was told to look for General Sam Cardenstry I assumed it was a male I was looking for."

"Yes, everyone assumes that, that's why I go by the name Aaliyah."

"I see." she straightened her suit and held out the paper to me. "You have been requested by King Lorccán Stiofán to return to Askara'velmanti at once."

"I am no longer in service to the king, I left ten years ago, dishonourably as I remember."

"The king has pardoned your misdemeanour on the condition that you return to attend this one mission."

"Which is?"

She nodded her head down slowly, raising her eyebrows, looking at the paper in my hands then back up at me. I huffed and flicked open the paper, the royal seal breaking under my finger. I cleared my throat before I begin to read it, knowing that anything bound under the royal seal is not good.

"General Samarl Aaliyah Cardenstry, daughter of General Samarl Wiest Cardenstry of the Jentarla Rose Clan you are hereby requested to return to the Askara'velmanti realm, to the services of King Lorccán Stiofán and to the services of your realm. You are to return to the realm within twenty-four hours of being served with this notice and report to Castle Lioch at fifteen hundred hours on that same day. Upon completion of your service, your dishonourable discharge will be retracted and all benefits, commendations and awards will be returned your title. For king, country and realm your services are required without delay."

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