36: Hiding Out

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Missed call from Alex❤️💍 (7)

Alex❤️💍: Please Dakota, I'm begging you.

Missed call from David

David: Dakota, are you okay? Where are you? Dom, Alex, and I are all very worried. Please let me know if you're safe.

I shut off my phone just as Kristen gets a call.

"Hello?" Kristen asks. Once the voice answers back Kristen mouths to me 'it's david'.

"Is Dakota here?" Kristen repeats what she hears, and I frantically shake my head no.

"Well, she's shaking her head no so I guess not," Kristen answers, and I sigh.

"Okay, see you then. Bye," Kristen says and hangs up.

I give her a look as soon as she's off the phone.

"I'm sorry, he said he was worried about you wanted to make sure you were safe. And by the way, he said he's coming over now," Kristen informs me.

"With Alex?" I ask.

"Not with Alex. Just him, he said," Kristen tells me.

"Okay," I sigh, and continue to eat my ice cream.

"He said he wants to drop a few things off for you and talk to you. He knows you need your time to cool off, and he said he's willing to give you that before he attempts to talk to you about Alex or bring Alex over here," Kristen tells me.

I nod my head in understanding, and keep eating my ice cream.

"How about I let you borrow some of my clothes so that you're not in Todd's dirty sweats all day, okay?" Kristen asks me, and I agree and set my ice cream down.

Kristen leads me to her room and finds me one of her "I feel weird" merch shirts and some soft, comfy black shorts.

"Thanks," I say, and change into them.

By the time I change and put Todd's clothes into his laundry basket, we hear the doorbell ring and David enters the house.

David walks over to me and envelopes me in a hug, which I return.

"I brought you some things," David says, handing me a small suitcase.

"Thanks," I say, taking the suitcase from him.

"Can I talk to you? Like I'm private?" David asks me.

I look around at everyone looking at us and I nod.

"Sure," I say.

David and I go into Todd's bedroom and sit down on his bed, facing each other.

"Dakota, I know I'm going to sound biased because Alex is one of my best friends, but you have to give him a chance to explain himself. Alex told me what happened, and its not what you think it is. I don't want you to hear it from me, but I'm just saying this is a big misunderstanding," David tells me.

"Are you sure? Because I'm pretty sure that is hes sleeping in the same bed with Corina shirtless that means he's cheating on me," I say, crossing my arms.

"He wasn't cheating on you, just let me say that. Give yourself a couple of days to cool down and then go and talk to him, Dakota. I know how heartbroken you two both are, and how much you loved each other, and I'd hate to you two split up for good over something that isn't even true," David says.

I sigh and ponder this for a moment. I trust David with my whole heart, and if he says that Alex wasn't really cheating on me then it must be true.

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