17: The First Date

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"Hey, guys," I start to Dom and David who are currently sitting on the couch.

"I have an emergency meeting with my agency right now and Alex is taking me. I just didn't want you guys to wonder where we were," I finish and they nod and wish me luck.

The worry that I was feeling in case they didn't believe me went away, and Alex and I escaped from the house without any questions asked.

As soon as we're out the door, Alex intertwines his hand with mine and we walk into the parking garage.

I smile up at him, unable to contain it.

"What's the smile for?" Alex asks, looking down at me.

"I just love you so much I can't help it," I giggle, shrugging.

"Stop being so cheesy or I'm going to have to have you plan our dates from now on," he threatens and I laugh.

We quickly reach Alex's car and I get into the passenger seat. I've got to admit, I am really excited to finally go on a date with Alex. I've been waiting for this ever since I met him, and it's finally come.

"Can you tell me what we're doing now?" I ask Alex, as we start driving away.

"No, that'd ruin the whole point of it being a surprise," Alex laughs.

"Come on, I'm going to know in a couple of minutes anyways, so what's the difference between if I find out know or then?" I ask.

"It ruins the whole point because then I don't get to see the reaction on your face when it's happening," Alex tells me.

"You're such a cliche guy," I giggle.

"That, I am. And I'm not ashamed of it," Alex admits.

"It's cute though, it means your romantic," I say in a teasing manner.

"That's nothing to be ashamed of either, and I know you'll love my romantic ways sooner or later," Alex says.

"I already do," I say, leaning over to kiss him on the cheek, causing him to smile.

After the conversation stops, I stare up at him to admire him as he drives. I take in all of his features, admiring his not quite small but not quite big pointed nose, his sharp, chiseled jaw line, and his long eyelashes. Everything about him is completely and utterly perfect.

At this point and time, I realize something that Ainsley told me before. She said that Parker wasn't the one, and I would know exactly when I had met the one. I understand what she means now.

With Parker, I couldn't get over his flaws and all we did was fight. However, with Alex, I barely even realize his flaws and if I do, I forgive him for them and love him for them. I never loved Parker as much as I love Alex. Parker never make shivers run through my body, or make me smile just by looking at him.

Alex is the one, and I know it.

It must've been fate or something that Parker ended up kicking me out and these boys happened to be looking for an apartment at the same time and I ended up meeting Alex.

Overall, I'm actually grateful that Parker cheated on me and kicked me out, or else I would've ended up marrying a douche who didn't love me and wouldn't have met the best people I've ever met in my life.

"Hey, were here," Alex says, shaking my arm to get me out of my trance.

"Where are we?" I ask, looking around us.

"We just have to do a little walking and we'll be there," Alex assures me, and goes into the backseat to grab a blanket and a picnic basket.

"We're having a picnic?" I excitedly ask, smiling.

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