36: Hiding Out

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The next morning I wake up at noon, and everything from the night before immediately hits me all at once.

I feel my heart bursting with pain and aches as I think about Alex and what he did and that we broke up. I can't believe after how much we loved each other and how confident we were that we'd have a future together, he still cheated on me. I truly loved that boy with all my heart and more, and he made me the happiest girl on earth, but this still somehow happened.

I feel tears come to my eyes as I think about it, but I just push them away and take a few deep breaths. Finally, I get up out of bed and walk out the door and towards the living room where Todd, Jason, Kristen, and Scott are all sitting whispering.

"Oh hey, Dakota. Good morning," Todd says, seeing me first.

"Hey," I say in a low, quiet voice.

"I made some breakfast, there's some eggs left out in the kitchen for you if you want to have some," Kristen tells me, but and I quietly thank her and walk to the kitchen.

I find the leftover eggs for me on a plate with a fork, and I slowly shovel the eggs into my mouth while standing up. I'm only able to finish about half of them before I decide I feel sick and then throw the rest out. I put my plate in the sink and then find my way back to Todd's room.

I bundle myself up into his sheets and make a little cocoon for myself, and then I start crying. Unable to control myself, I start thinking about Alex and what he did and the fact that we're officially over after just dating for about a month and a half. My soft cries turn into sobs, and I cover myself with the blanket as I hear a knock on the door.

I try desperately to stop my cries so I can answer the person at the door, but I can't. The door swings open even though I don't answer, and I see Kristen at the door with two tubs of Ben and Jerry's and spoons.

"I hear what happened with Alex," Kristen says, shutting the doors behind her and coming and sitting next to me.

"Did Todd tell you?" I ask, now able to control my cries enough to speak. Kristen nods.

"I'm so sorry, babe. You don't deserve that. I never thought Alex would do something like that, he seemed so, so in love with you. I love you, Dakota. I'm here for you through this," Kristen says, rubbing my back up and down.

"I love you too, Kristen, thank you," I say, sitting up and wiping the tears from my eyes.

"Now, let's eat some ice cream and get your mind off that asshole," Kristen says, handing me a tub of ice cream and a spoon. I laugh at this and sniffle as I open the tin and start digging in.

Suddenly, I feel my phone buzz and I take it out of my pocket. I'm bombarded with texts and calls as soon as I turn my phone on.

Missed call from Alex❤️💍

Alex❤️💍: Dakota, I'm sorry. Please just let me explain.
Alex❤️💍: I'd rather not have to do this over text. I want to talk to you face to face or call you, okay? So just pick up, please.

Missed call from Alex❤️💍

Alex❤️💍: You are the best thing that's happened to me, Dakota. I can't loose you over some stupid misunderstanding. Please just come home or answer me.

Missed call from Alex❤️💍 (2)

Alex❤️💍: Dakota, please. At least let me know where you are so I know you're safe and I can know where to find you to talk to you about this. Please, I'm begging you Dakota. I love you so much and I'd die if I was the reason anything bad happened to you.

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