Chapter 16

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Claire's Pov

I feel very light right now, and I don't know why.

The last thing I remember was when Jasper and the pack was fighting against those trained killers, then dad was about kill me but someone pounced on him to stop him. Then I stopped dad from stabbing them but got stabbed instead.

Jasper was right beside me in a second of me saying his name, I remember kissing him, then I kinda mostly said the words I so desperately wanted to say to him and then it all went hazy. I think Jasper picked me up and started running somewhere but by that point it had all gone dark and I was unconscious in Jasper's arms.

I was currently just hanging around the darkness inside my head while I was slowly being pulled in some direction.

Something was pulling me so I pulled back, and the next thing I knew I could slowly feel parts of my body again. I could hear beeping sounds around me, I lying down somewhere, and something was holding my hand.

I figured I would start with moving my hand so I tried. And at first nothing happened, but I took a little bit of time and kept trying and then I got my fingers to slightly move. And whatever was holding my hand moved and there was a another sound as a chair maybe skidded backwards.

I moved my fingers again and a voice spoke.

"Claire...?!", I've heard that voice. I fell in love with that voice. Jasper.

"If you're awake beautiful then open your eyes for me, please", he sounded desperate.

I tried, slowly opening my eyes. When my eyelids opened a slight little bit I closed them again as the light in the room burned my eyes suddenly because my eyes haven't adjusted to the light and it hurt.

I felt Jasper let go and head somewhere, then I heard a switch.

"There you go beautiful, try now. The light is off", he moved back over to me and I felt him grab my hand again.

I cracked my eyes open and saw the room was now dark and my eyes adjusted quickly. I looked around the room and saw the beeping sounds were coming from a bunch of machines around me. Then I looked at Jasper who was looking at me with wide eyes.

"Jas...", my voice was raspy and dry.

Jasper grabbed a glass and filled it with water, then he helped me slowly sit up enough to drink the water. He brought the glass to my mouth and I started drinking, I took a gulp too much, too quickly and I choked on it. Jasper instantly moves me to sit up and I cough up the water.

"Just take it slow. I don't want to lose you because you drank water too quickly", I laughed at his attempt at some kind of humour at a time like this. He let out a huff of a laugh as he helped me have another drink just this time I drank slowly.

When I was done he eased me back down onto the bed so I was lying down again.

"I'll go get Nathan or someone to check on you...", there was something wrong with him but I don't know what.

As he started to walk away from the bed I grabbed his wrist and he stopped and turned slightly to look at me.

"What's up beautiful. Do you need something?", what wasn't he saying to me? But I shook my head at his question but I didn't let go of his hand. I went to open my mouth to speak but he cut me off.

"It's ok. I'll tell everyone else that you're awake too, they'll come here instantly. It's alright beautiful, don't worry", he was trying so hard that I just gave up. I let go off hand, giving up on trying to get him to tell me what was wrong with him.

The Abused MateTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon