Chapter 3

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Claire's Pov (48 hours after Jasper asked about Claire at school)

While I was hanging there sleeping when a couple of people came in and clipped the chains but left the cuffs around my wrists and the collar on around my throat to keep me weak. Then they dragged me out of the cell all the way outside to the blinding light, I closed my eyes quickly and hide my face and slowly let my eyes adjust to the sudden light, they dragged me to the edge of the forest away from the pack house and threw me against one of the trees that were there.

One pulled out a knife from behind his back and slowly moved towards where I was lying. You would think I would be thinking about ways to beg for my life, for them to show mercy and let me live but that wasn't what was going through my head at all. 

All I was thinking of was about my mate and that I wouldn't see him ever again because I'll be dead, I mean it might be good for him, he won't have someone as broken as me as a mate I guess.

'Never say that again!', I could feel Sage's anger at what I said

"Sorry, I know what he means to you, to us. But I'm not going to get out of this alive. I don't want to die, I want to see him again, but I can't move or do anything. I'm s-sorry Sage", I felt her anger change to sadness.

The man that had the knife was now kneeling in front of me, there were tears behind my eyes that I wouldn't let them know about, they would never know. He raised the knife and was about to plunge it down towards my body when a voice I never thought I would hear again boomed through the clearing.

"CLAIRE!", I moved my head enough along the ground to see Jasper running toward us, there were a few other people behind him too but I didn't pay attention to them.

'He's... He's here...' Sage whispered ever so quietly.

"J-jasper", I just whispered his name before I was too tired to do anything at all. The only thing I could do was watch.

Jasper's Pov (2 and a half hours before)

I was sitting at home trying to figure out what I was going to do, my chest was almost aching for something, for someone. Claire. Claire. Claire. Why?! What is it with her? I was getting frustrated again and my mother walked into the room to find me and as mother's do she knew what I was frustrated about.

"What's up hunny?. Why are you so frustrated?", I knew I couldn't lie, and well maybe she knew what was happening to me.

"My chest is aching. My thoughts are jumbled and well only one thought out of all of them are clear and it won't leave. Also I've been in pain in different areas for a good month now... I don't know what's happening."

"What is this one clear thought about? Maybe that will help me figure it out", why would she ask about that of all things?

"It's about this girl that's at school, I talked to her officially about a month ago and I haven't seen her since. She would get bullied at school, one day when we saw her by the building Leo ran over to her and she left after a moment of them talking but only after she looked at me with her bright blue eyes..." I trailed off when an image of her beautiful bright blue eyes popped into my mind.

Before she could answer someone walked in, one of my friends who had just gotten together with some girl who was his mate. He plopped down beside me and looked at me with a sad look on his face.

"What's up with you Jasper?"

"I don't know man. What's wrong with you, you walked in with a sad look.", he just sighed and looked to the ceiling and started talking.

"I just miss her, I think it's the whole mate thing. My wolf is going nuts and she's only going to see her parents, but my chest already aches from missing her...", chest aching? Is it the same thing I'm feeling?

"I can only think about her when I can't see her in front of me...", he looked at me in the eyes, "It was horrible when she accidently cut herself when cooking, man it hurt! That was yesterday and I can still feel it"

My head whips towards my mother with a questioning look and she nods. Is Claire my mate? I didn't even think of that, I've learnt a bit about them but never really payed attention.

"Hunny? Where have you been hurting? What areas?", I start pointing to all the spots where it has hurt

"Here, here, here..."

My mother looks over these places and finds no injuries on my body, "It's got to be her. You're feeling her pain. The beginnings of the bond between you two is there you just couldn't feeling it. Think about it, you can only think about her, chest aching when she's not around. The pain shouldn't be happening though... Where she is isn't a good place for her, she needs to get out before it's too late"

"I haven't seen her for a month mum. She hasn't been to school, and the last time I saw her she was running out the hospital room and going somewhere." I looked away and down to the floor.

"Do you know where she is?", I nod. 

"Well then, go get her and bring her home. We can take care of her here. And probably better than what she's getting there. Go get her now!"

My eyes shot up to meet my mother's and she nodded at me, then I looked at my friend and he nodded at me too. I took in a big breath and bolted. I ran out the house not caring about shifting, as it would take up time. Behind me my friend Logan followed, then Leo started running talking to Logan asking what I was doing no doubt, and behind him a few more of my friends ran. But that didn't stop me, I had to find her.

I was running and running, and when we were getting closer and closer to the Silver Moon pack territory I felt searing pain spread through my back and I dropped to the ground for a moment and I could hear my friends shouting my name but I didn't give them the chance to see what happened as I got up and sprinted, no something was happening, I had to run faster, to get to her.

I ran through the edge of the trees into a clearing and turned to see Claire on the ground with a silver collar and silver cuffs, and a man had a silver knife hovering over her. He raised his hand and was about to thrust his hand down. No!. NO!

"CLAIRE!", I can't let her die, I won't let her die. She turned her head enough to look at me.

"J-jasper", she whispered with whatever strength she had left. So much rage was building up inside me, and I ran at them.

Fists were flying, connecting here and there with someone's face or torso. Knives were being swung here and there too. It took me and my friends a few minutes to take those guys out, and I dropped to my knees in front of Claire and she just looked up at me no emotion shining through at all.

"Jas...per... What are you doing here?", tears threatened to fall from my eyes at the state she was in.

"I came to get you, to take you home with me"

"Why", there was something in her voice that broke.

"Because you're my mate, and this is no home for her", I scooped her up into my arms and hugged her. 

"Jasper, no, the silver", I didn't care, she was here in front of me, she was alive, I was in time.

"Whoever said you could come here and take our very own princess from us?"

I was looking at Claire when the voice sounded behind me, Claire's eyes widened and her face went pale, more pale than what it already was if that was possible. She whispered one word, and that's all she had to say...


So left you all on a bit of a cliff hanger, hope you liked it, comment and vote. Tell me what is going through all of your minds :) 

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