"Gah!" Nana gasped. The force was as sharp and strong as an arm cannon shot at close distance. It was also not lost on Nana that his Armament Haki was harder than metal.

"Nana!" the Straw Hats gasped.

"You will be quiet," Vergo stated sullenly as he nodded to the birdwoman to proceed. He walked away from the cell and sat down on a couch in the center of the room.

Pururupurupuru. Catcha.

Nana flashed a grin at Luffy to let him know she was fine but internally, she was grimacing. If it wasn't for my iron lining in my corset, my ribs would be broken by that, she thought to herself, But at least I know what kind of guy I'm dealing with.

"Hello, is this Monet-san?" someone asked from the snail.

"Yes, it's me," the bird woman said, "What is the status?"

"The Smileys are almost about done gathering and we've closed all the shutters. The marines are trapped out there."

"Okay," she said with a smile tugging on her lips and then hung up.


"You bastards..." Smoker-Tashigi growled from his corner of the cell.

Monet turned to Vergo. "Sounds like they're moving ahead with the preparations. Poor Navy soldiers," she laughed breezily.

"What is Caesar up to?" Vergo asked.

"Well, I don't know exactly but he woke up his pet Smiley so I think he's planning on a big experiment. A dangerous one," she said, not losing her smile. She then pointed to her cheek and nodded at Vergo.

His hand went up to his own to find the hamburger patty. He popped in his mouth indicating to Nana that it was a common occurrence. "Ah, I would like to see the experiment before I go. Everyone outside will die?"

"Probably but you will be safe in here."

"Oy! Vergo!" Smoker-Tashigi demanded from the cell, "Those are Navy soldiers of the G-5 outside! Those are your subordinates! Are you really going to leave them to die?!"

"Ah. I think so," Vergo replied without hesitation. The lack of care in his voice showed Nana just how merciless he was. He got up from his seat and walked back to the cell. He clasped his hands behind his back and looked at his prisoners as if they were part of a zoo exhibit, "I like this view. I can't believe there are such big names in this cell."

"It brings back memories. To see you two together in a cell again," Robin mused to her captain and Smoker-Tashigi.

"Oh, yeah!" Luffy laughed and caught the annoyed look of Law, "Smokey and I got caught by Robin and the others at Alabasta. Don't feel left out, Law."

"That's not why I'm annoyed at you, Straw Hat-ya," Law growled.

"Seriously? Shut up, you fools! You people can never read the atmosphere," Smoker-Tashigi growled.

"Smoker-san...I don't know how to feel right now," Tashigi-Smoker said in a pained voice as she stared at Vergo.

"Ah," her superior replied back, "This is the worst case scenario. Caesar abducted those kids and Vergo covered it up as accidents at sea. Above all things, the head of our base was a double agent. What a dishonor to the Navy."

The Navy knew about the kids?! Nana's eyes flashed with anger but she felt Robin's foot give hers a little nudge. She looked towards Robin, who shook her head, indicating for the mechanic to keep quiet. Nana gritted her teeth. They knew. The Navy knew about these children. 3 years and they said nothing?!

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