"Kookie... Stop. We have adult responsibilities at the minute"

"But baby you're too tempting, I want you. We can just tell Tae and Hoseok to come look after her for an hour" he growled again, sending shivers down my spine

"No kookie, you wanted to try and get me to look after Dahyun and that's what I'm going to do" I smirked back at him and kissed him softly before walking away to the living room again.

After the film finished Dahyun pulled me up to play dolls with her. She gave me two barbies and told me what their roles were before setting up the furniture.

~so who's child is she?~ I thought to Jungkook as he sat down on the sofa and put a programme on the tv

~Just two people my parents know, I'm not her true uncle it's just what she calls me, I explained why I wanted to look after her and they were happy to let me, they know how much I get on with her~

~that's cute, so you said she's adopted? Does that mean her parents are the same gender?~

~no actually, they just decided that they didn't see a point in bringing another child into the world when there is already so many out there that need a good home. So they went through adoption~

~that's actually really sweet. So she's obviously human since she is growing, how do they know she is safe? Since they're vampires, how do they control their thirst?~

~just like how you are. She's a child, they don't want to hurt her. You aren't struggling are you, you know that she doesn't deserve that so your brain doesn't let you feel hungry~

I looked over to him in disbelief and he smiled at me, I felt my cheeks flush up so I put my attention back on the game of dolls Dahyun and roped me into.

"Noo uncle Chim, she's a bad guy, she can't save him!" She sulked as I played her game wrong, I just giggled and pulled her onto my lap.

"I'm sorry, how about we make some pizza? You can put your own toppings on it?"

"Yes yes yes, come on let's go" she jumped up and pulled both me and Jungkook with her. As we got to the kitchen Jungkook pulled me aside for a moment and kissed me lovingly

"Thank you for trying baby, seriously, thank you"

"Anything for you" I smiled and kissed him again before getting everything ready for the pizza making.


Once Dahyun was in bed asleep Jungkook immediately picked me up into his arms and held me tight. I wrapped my legs around his waist and planted kisses over every inch of him that I could reach.

"I missed you, I actually missed you" I mumbled, slightly embarrassed

"I missed you. I never realised how much skin-ship we have until it came to having another human to look after. I've missed your touch, warmth, comfort, everything. It's not allowed to leave again"

"Well luckily, I'm yours forever" I smiled and kissed him gently. "Let's go get in bed, I'm tired and I need some serious Kookie loving"

"Okay Baby" he kissed me again before carrying me up the stairs.

As soon as we got into our bedroom we both stripped down to just our underwear and climbed into bed. We laid facing each other with our faces only a couple of centimetres apart. I stroked my hand through his hair a few times before tracing a single finger over his features. I traced each curve and bump of his face, analysing him with pure love and adoration. I followed the curve of his nose, cheeks and down to his lips, tracing each one delicately.

I looked up to his eyes again and saw him lying with them closed but I knew he was still awake. I placed a gentle, barely there kiss on the tip of his nose and watched as a big smile broke out onto his face.

"I'm so lucky to have you" he muttered quietly

"Don't be silly"

"No I mean it baby. There was always the possibility that you wouldn't want anything to do with me, that I would have to protect you from a distance. That I wouldn't have been able to lay in bed with you and admire and love you. That I would have had to watch you grow old, fall in love with someone else, experience all these things with someone else. I would have had to watch you die, see you get so fragile that you can hardly walk anymore and I wouldn't have been able to do anything to help. I would have had to stay away from you. Even the thought of loosing you panics me, never mind having to actually experience it... I'm just so lucky. I know so many people who's smell hasn't wanted anything to do with them and they just have to deal with it, they have to accept it since we only want you to be happy. If you'd be happy without us then that's what we have to do and accept"

"Kookie, sh sh shhh, you don't need to worry. You've got me, I'm yours. I'm yours forever, stop freaking yourself out. You aren't going to see me grow old and grey, I'm going to look like this for a long time"

I took his lips between mine and gave him all the love I have. I pulled his body closer to mine and rolled over so I was on top of him and straddling his hips. I rotated my hips slightly to give a bit of extra pleasure but could tell that neither of us wanted to take things any further tonight. We just wanted to cover each other in our love.

Jungkook buried his hands into my hair, tugging slightly to get a better angle in the kiss. I pulled him up so he could rest his back against the head board and quickly straddled him again. I teased him a little by grazing my lips over his but not quite touching him just yet and saw how he squirmed slightly, begging almost for my touch. I giggled and gave him what he wanted, slowly pressing our lips together again.

Our lips got more and more slicked as the kiss went on, both of us being so desperate for each other's love causing us to not even care anymore.

We were soon out of breath and panting, desperate for air but too scared to leave each other's touch for even a second.

"Kookie..." I whispered, almost inaudibly

"No, no I'm not done yet" he whined as he pulled our lips together again, quickly taking over every thought in my brain with his love and care. He tickled his finger tips down my naked back and sides. He made slight moany noises as he traced my skin which made me smile lightly.

"Kookie, I love you"

"I love you baby, so much"

"Can we sleep please? I'm really tired, children are hard work"

"Of course beautiful, come here" he smiled whilst opening his arms and lying down for me to cuddle into

Just as we got comfortable we were Dahyun start crying. We both groaned and rolled into each other more, hoping that she would calm herself down, but much to our dismay she carried on crying.

"I'll be back baby, you stay here and sleep" Kookie whispered as he kissed my forehead and threw on some sweatpants.

I could hear him soothing her from Tae and Hoseok's room, since she was staying in their bed for the night whilst they were visiting Hoseok's parents house.

The bed was getting colder by the second with Jungkook's absence, I wriggled grumpily to get comfy again but started sulking once I couldn't fall asleep.

"It's okay baby, I'm back" Jungkook comforted me as he got back in bed and pulled me into little spoon position "try and sleep now, I love you" he said sweetly and kissed the back of my neck

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