"I don't think you're meant to be in here, miss." He said, almost as though he was accusing me of something.

"Im sorry, I was... We were just looking for a book for somebody. I'm sorry. I would go but my friend is hurt and I don't know if I can carry him." I babbled.

I was starting to feel a little bit scared of this kid. Maybe his footsteps were the ones I heard earlier, but surely I would've heard him come up behind me.

"What book are you looking for?" He asked, staring me dead in the eyes.

"Uh... It's about runes, but I don't think it's here. Please, you need to get help for my friend. He's hurt and I don't know what to do!" I whispered, trying not to cry.

"You shouldn't have gone into that room. It's not very safe in here." He replied, completely deadpan.

My skin went cold and my heart pounded in my chest. I would've ran if it weren't for Gajeel. I looked back down at him, hoping desperately that he would wake up. His face looked peaceful, as though he was simply asleep. I bit into my lip and stroked his hair again, still unsure on what to do. This boy was unsettling, and he was very good at making me feel uncomfortable, whether he was trying to or not.

"I can help you find the book, if you like. There's spells that will probably help you get out with him." The boy piped up, sounding a little excited.

"If... If you could that would be very helpful." I breathed out, slightly relieved.

The boy nodded before turning around and walking into the trapped room. I covered my ears and watched in horror, expecting his tiny body to meet the same fate as Gajeel's, but nothing happened. He went up to a shelf and looked around, before grabbing an old leather-bound book and coming back over to me. He flicked through the pages and then handed me the time, leaving it open on a page.

I took the book out of his hands, wishing I had brought my glasses with me. I scanned over the page, taking in all the information I could. It was describing rune magic that could be centered around a target, moving as they moved. You could cast a condition within the runes and have it follow you or somebody else. I looked back down at Gajeel, an idea circling my brain. I read the spell over and over, memorising the intricate details before using it around myself. I tried to hand the book back to the boy but as I looked up, he was nowhere in sight. I tucked the book away neatly in my bag before lifting Gajeel up. Good thing I can lift anything within these runes.

I took a deep breath and started walking us both out, expecting to drop him as soon as I got too far from where I can the spell, but sure enough it seemed to travel with me. My head turned to look at Gajeel again, but this time I felt relieved. This time I'm the useful one who's saving you. I'll get you home if it's the last thing I do.




After a few days, and a small amount of struggling, I could finally see the Town. Gajeel had 'woken up' a day after we had left, and he was extremely confused about what had happened. He was still too weak to walk on his own so I still had to prop him up, but he wasn't happy about it. I had caught him one morning after we had stopped to rest trying to get up and walk by himself, which he failed.

"We're almost home Gajeel! Not long left!" I let out, a little more excited than I meant to be.

All he did was grunt in response, probably embarrassed about me carrying him. I tried to keep his spirits up but chatting about anything and everything, usually only getting one word responses. After a few hours we had finally arrived at my home, though Gajeel insisted that we travel the back way so nobody could see him "bein' carried by a pip squeak." I pulled out a key and pushed open the door, smiling to myself that I was home.

"Lily, we're back!" I called out, dragging Gajeel through the door.

"Welcome back. Did everything go well?" He yawned quietly. He was in his exceed form, curled up on the couch. We must've just woken him up.

"It was okay. Gajeel got hurt though, so I'm gonna get him to lie down for a while."

"I don't need to lie down, I'm fine." Gajeel grunted, trying to push himself off me. He tried to take a step by himself but fell heavily into the wall, wincing a little.

"Don't be stupid, Gajeel! You need to lie down! You were hurt, badly, and you need to rest! Stop being so damn stubborn all the time and just let me look after you!" I snapped.

Gajeel and Lily were both silent, both of their eyes darting from each other and then to me. I sighed quietly before supporting Gajeel again and pulling him into my room.

"Geez Lev, I thought you were saying I need to rest, yet you've dragged me into your room." Gajeel chuckled, winking at me.

My face warmed up, I hadn't even thought about it that way at all. I guided him over to the bed, gently pushing him down until he was lying on it.

"Don't be stupid, this is the only bed I have and I'm not letting you lie on the couch. I just want you to be okay." I said quietly.

"Wait, if this is the only bed, where are you gonna sleep?" Gajeel asked, confused.

"I thought you wanted me to sleep with you?" I asked innocently.

Gajeel's face went red and he turned away from me, causing me to giggle.

"I'll just sleep on the couch, no biggie." I laughed. "Now, if you need anything, give me a yell. I'll get you some iron later because I know that gets your strength up pretty fast but other than that, I'll leave you alone."

Gajeel simply nodded, his face still a little red. I giggled again before starting to walk out of the room. Just as I got to the door, Gajeel cleared his throat, making me turn around to face him.

"Lev, I'm sorry for worrying you." He said quietly.

"Don't be silly. Now, try and get some sleep, okay?" I grinned before walking out of the room.

I pulled the door to behind me and walked to the couch, grabbing a random book off the shelf on the way past. I sat down heavily, disturbing Lily as I did. I stretched my legs out, enjoying being off my feet. Getting comfortable, I opened up the book and started reading, reaching out to scratch lily on the head every now and then.

"I almost forgot how much you two flirt with each other." Lily piped up, curling back up in a small ball.

"Oh shut up." I laughed, blushing slightly.

"It's not a bad thing, it's actually quite sweet." Lily yawned before falling asleep again.

I smiled to myself, staring absently at my bedroom door. It's not a bad thing at all.

Missing Pieces, A Gale FanfictionOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz