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chapter fourteen: the argument

The weight on Malayah's shoulder seemed to disappear as she finished the blunt.

It was different than she expected. She thought that maybe she would be on a completely different universe.

But instead, she felt completely relaxed and now, she was exhausted.

She made her way back to her car to put the remaining blunts there. She knew that if she brought the blunts up to her dorm room, it would smell like weed.

She opened the drivers car door and placed the remaining blunts under her seat. She grabbed the bed sheets she had also bought before closing and locking her car.

Her phone rang which was unusual. No one should be calling her at almost five in the morning.

Keyshawn had woken up shortly after she did. The side where Malayah had slept was now cold. He wondered where she had gone.

Malayah looked at her phone wondering if she should answer Keyshawn's call.

She pressed decline and made her way up to her dorm.

She was surprised to see that Amelia wasn't here.

Probably somewhere sucking Cameron's dick.

She thought to herself.

She ripped the sheets off of her bed and put the new sheets onto it.

She climbed into her bed and immediately fell asleep.

By now, Keyshawn was pacing his room worriedly. He continued to call her over and over again.

When Malayah didn't answer, Keyshawn had no choice but to go finds her.

Once he had made his way up to her dorm door, he began knocking on it.

He knocked on it for a while before Malayah heard it.

She was startled awake by Keyshawn's incessant knocking, it was getting louder as the seconds passed by.

Malayah didn't know what to do. She was still pretty high, her eyes were probably still red. But she knew that Keyshawn wouldn't stop knocking on the door until somebody opened it.

And considering that Amelia was nowhere to be seen, she had to open it herself.

As she walked towards the door, she made a quick stop to the bathroom. Just as she figured, her eyes were red.

She sighed knowing that Keyshawn would know that she was high especially because of the odor of weed that still lingered in her clothes.

"Chill out, Keyshawn." She said when she opened the door. Her gaze was fixed on the floor.

"I wouldn't be here if you would've answered your phone. Or woken me u—" Keyshawn started but fell short when he noticed Malayah wasn't looking up at him with her hazel eyes.

He brought his finger under her chin and raised it up. He was surprised to see that her eyes were bloodshot red. He thought that it was because she had just woken up, but then he got a whiff of a familiar smell.

The smell that he grew up having to smell everyday. Malayah smelled like weed.

"Are you serious, Malayah?" Keyshawn asked.

He knew the effects that drugs could have on a person. His mom went through the same thing that Malayah was going through.

When Kimberly, Keyshawn's mom, found out that her husband was cheating on her, she immediately turned to drugs.

Not only was Malik, Keyshawn's dad, cheating on Kimberly — he also had three kids that she didn't know about.

Keyshawn didn't want to see Malayah go down the same path as his mom.

"Don't do this to yourself, Malayah." He said harshly, looking down at her.

"You're better than this. You don't need drugs to help you. They don't fix problems, trust me."

Malayah rolled here eyes. She didn't need to hear Keyshawn try and tell her what she was supposed to do.

"Keyshawn, don't try to tell me what's good for me."

Keyshawn was angered by her words. She was right, he didn't know what best for her, but he knew what wasn't good for her.

"Malayah, I'm just trying to help you." Keyshawn sighed, his shoulders tense with frustration.

"Well, guess what Keyshawn? I don't need your help." By now, both Malayah and Keyshawn were both frustrated with each other.

"Whatever, Malayah. Try not to get yourself killed." Keyshawn angrily said before leaving.

Malayah slammed her door in return. Something that would've pissed her dad off.

Speaking of her family, Malayah still needed to tell Renae about the weird pictures and letters that she had been receiving lately. But Malayah was still too exhausted and too high to do that right now.

Instead, she fell asleep and woke up about three hours later.

She was sitting on her bed, scrolling through her social media, when an envelope slid under her door.

Malayah quickly ran towards the door and picked up the envelope, it was identical to the last two.

She threw the door open and saw an older man walking away from her general direction.

"Hey! You creep!" She called after him.

When the man turned around, Malayah gasped in shock.

It was the man from the picture. The picture that she found in her baby book.

It was Kelley.

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