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chapter five: the packing

"Wake up!" Renae shouted, barging into my room.

This girl almost gave me a heart attack. I sat up in my bed with a shriek, eyes wide with shock. The sun was peeking through my curtains.

I snapped my head to look at my alarm clock that was on my bedside table. It was only a quarter til nine.

I ran my hand through my hair. It was an absolute mess. Having curly hair isn't as fun and cute as it looks, especially if you don't tie it up at night.

"Renae," I said lowly, "why are you here so early? Packing doesn't take all day." I rubbed my eyes sleepily, when I pulled my hand back I realized I didn't even take my makeup off last night.

"I know that," She began, before I interrupted.

"Okay, before you continue, can you turn your voice down a couple notches? It's too early for all that." I said, before falling back onto my bed.

"No, I won't," Renae said even louder, "We're packing all of your stuff this morning so that later we can go shopping."

I groaned, rolling over onto my stomach, pulling the covers over me.

"But the closest mall is like an hour away." I said, my voice muffled by my covers.

I heard Renae's footsteps coming closer to my bed.

She ripped the covers off of me, leaving me exposed to the cold air, "I know, Layah. Which is exactly why you have to get up now."

I groaned again but this time more dramatically, "Okay, fine. Just give me five more minutes of sleep."

"Layah, get up now," she demanded, "Go take a shower, you look like shit. Fix your hair too, it's a mess."

She grabbed my right wrist, yanking it hard.

"Okay, okay, I'm up. There's no need to damage the money makers." I said, moving my wrist, trying to get the feeling back. My wrists and arms play a very important role in volleyball.

My last season of volleyball was exciting to say the least. We won the state championship when I served an ace.

An ace is when the ball is served over the net and the opposing team can't return it back over the net.

After that, people said I was the best server on the team.

I groggily picked out clothes and made my way into the bathroom that was across the hall. Unfortunately, me and my brother had to share a bathroom.

Usually, it always resulted in me banging on the bathroom door until he eventually opened it. He claimed that he had to look good for the ladies. Typical, considering he was sixteen.

Luckily for me, he wasn't in the bathroom this time.

I turned on the light, looking into the mirror. Wow, I really did look like shit.

My eye makeup was smudged underneath my eyes, making me look like a raccoon.

My hair was in knots. I brought my hand up to one of the knots, trying to untangle it.

After picking at it for about two minutes, I rolled my eyes.

The only way I would be able to get the knots out was to get in the shower and finger comb through it.

I turned on the water in the shower, letting it warm up. Once it was hot, I took off my clothes and got in.

My shower took double the time it usually takes. Getting out of the shower, my face was rid of the smudged makeup and my hair was knotless.

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