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chapter seven: the game

Renae smacked the ball over the net. I thought for sure that we had won.

Instead, Savanna saved the ball, bumping it up high in the air. Kyla, the volleyball captain, wasn't going easy on us.

She approached the ball and looked straight at me, she spiked the ball over the net and it came flying directly at me.

I dived for the ball, completely stretching out and stopping it from touching the ground. I hopped back up knowing that Renae was going to set it up.

As Renae set the ball, I approached it, and jumped as high as possible. When my hand hit the ball, I knew that we had won.

I watched the ball slam straight back down. Savanna dived as fast as she could, but not as fast as the ball.

We weren't the only people in the gym. When people heard that we were going to be playing, they all showed up.

And now, they were all here, clapping for Renae and I.

Renae and I high fived each other and hugged each other. Sav and Kyla also came over to congratulate us.

"You guys are not bad. It's been a while since someone has actually beaten Savanna and I, so good job." Kyla said, breathlessly.

"Thanks," we both replied.

"Kyla's holding back. You guys are good as fuck! Probably some of the best on the team. I can't wait until our season starts, we are going to kick ass!" Savanna exclaimed.

"I can't wait to play either. You guys are really good. It's going to be fun to play on the same team and not against each other." I replied with a small smile.

They all nodded in agreement.

"Alright, well I'm going to go back to my room and take a nice shower. It's been awhile since I've worked so hard for a win. I'll see you guys later." Sav said.

We all hummed in agreement before parting ways.

I made my way to my duffel bag that was sitting next to Keyshawn.

As I got closer to where he was sitting, he stood up and hugged me. The smell of cotton engulfed my nose.

"Keyshawn," I drew out, "I'm sweaty and I probably stink. Get off."

He squeezed me tighter saying, "Nah, maybe some of your talent will rub off on me."

I cautiously wrapped my arms around his torso, relaxing completely. Cam and I almost never hugged.

Wait — why was I comparing Keyshawn to Cam? I decided not to think about it and, instead, closed my eyes.

We stood like that for a few more second until I asked, "Is it working?"

He sighed saying, "Nope, I don't think it is," and with that, he squeezed me tighter and then completely let go.

Once he let go, I pushed my knee pads down to my ankles and sat down on the bleachers before taking my shoes off.

Keyshawn also sat down, "what're you doing after this?"

I glanced up at him saying, "Uhm, going back to my room to take a shower and then probably chill for the rest of the night.

Please do not ask me out on a date.

"I was wondering if you wanted to come hang out in my dorm? It's set up like Renae's. Three rooms with a living room and kitchen area. I'm cooking for my friends tonight." He nonchalantly asked.

I raised my eyebrows in pleasant surprise, "Oh, you cook?"

He chuckled, "Yeah, I got tired of always eating out. So, do you want to come?"

"As long as I get to help you," I said bumping my shoulder with his. I've always loved cooking. My sister actually went to Culinary school, and when she came home she couldn't wait to teach me what she learned.

"As long as you don't burn down the entire building," he replied just as playfully, showing off that crooked smile.

I smiled back at him, "I promise that I won't."

He stood up and said, "Well then, we should probably get going then."

I nodded my head before putting on my Nike slides and zipping up my duffel bag.

The walk back to our dorm building was short. As we got into the elevator up to our dorm rooms, Keyshawn complimented me again.

"You really were amazing on that court tonight, Malayah."

"Thank you. Maybe sometime I can see you play basketball? I have a feeling I'm not the only one who is amazing on the court." I asked, looking up at him.

As the elevator dinged and opened, he nodded his head, "That sounds good, but I don't want to let you down. I'm really not that good. Anyways, I'll see you later."

"Wait," I called out, grabbing onto his wrist and pulling him back towards me. He ended up closer than expected, I could feel the heat radiating off his body. Neither of us bothered to step back, though.

"Uh, w-what's your room number?" I asked, dazed.

He backed away from me saying, "2c. If I don't open the door, just call me."

"But I don't even have your number," I said, at this point the elevator door was starting to close.

"Ask Renae." He said, watching the door close in between us.

When the elevator door opened again, it was on my dorm level.

Opening my dorm room door, I was surprised not to see Amelia laying on her bed talking to her boyfriend.

Instead, an envelope lying on the ground caught my eye.

I picked it up and closed the door behind me. On the front of the envelope it said: Malayah Smith. That's it.

I threw my bag onto my bed before climbing onto it as well.

Inside, there was a typed note. It simply said: They are all liars.

At the bottom of the note, there was a picture of a baby. The baby looked eerily similar to me, but who would have a picture of me and why would they send it to me?

I couldn't think about it for any longer because Amelia walked in. She had a drink and a takeout box in her hand.

Shit! I've been sitting here reading this note over and over again for so long. I completely forgot about Keyshawn.

I quickly picked out a new set of clothes which consisted of sweatpants and a ratty old T-shirt. I know, cute right?

I hopped in the shower. It wasn't what I was used to. Amelia's soap and shampoo already littered the open shelf area in the shower, so there really was no place to put my stuff except for on the shower floor.

My shower was considerably shorter, I barely had time to towel dry my hair before I was right back out of the door. Ready to cook with Keyshawn

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