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chapter one: the graduation

"Is that the dress you're wearing today, Malayah?" Apparently, my dad hasn't been paying any attention to me in the past two weeks.

"Yes dad. I showed this dress to you a long time ago." I said, looking into my mirror. I smoothed out the black dress and pulled it down. It accented my curves beautifully but not to the point that said 'I'm going to club'.

"Well I don't like it." He said defiantly, crossing his arms.

I rolled my eyes. He always does this. When he knows I'm getting dressed for something, he barges in my room to judge what I'm wearing.

"Well guess what dad? You can't change it now. I graduate in less than three hours. I'm not going to put on another dress just to please you. For once, let me do what I want to do. You do this every time and I'm so sick and tired of it." I said, not bothering to look at him.

"You know what Malayah? You're right—" pause, did he actually just admit that I'm right? "—you're grown now. Now you can act grown in that tiny dress and show your ass to every man you see."

I knew it was too good to be true. My relationship with my dad has always been a little rocky. He always treated my older sister, Khadijah, and younger brother, Micah, way better. It was almost as if he treated me like I wasn't his own child — like he hated me — but I couldn't figure out why.

I rolled my eyes once again as he slammed my door on his way out.

I sat down at my vanity and began doing what I loved the most, makeup. If I weren't going to UCLA on a volleyball scholarship, I definitely would go to cosmetology school.

About thirty minutes later I was ready to go.

"Let's go!" My mom called out, she was the nicest out of my parents. I could always talk to her about anything. Especially about Cam Harris, my boyfriend, who was also accepted into UCLA on a football scholarship.

Cam was always being secretive. Disappearing when I wanted to hang out or immediately grabbing his phone when he got a text message.

In the back of my mind I knew something wasn't right. But if he was cheating on me I would know because everyone knows everything about everyone in this town.

I got into my mom's car and soon she pulled off and headed to Midfield High School.

Luckily, the school wasn't too far away from our house so I didn't have to be around my family for long.

Don't get me wrong, I love my family but I just get fed up with my dad and his need to control everything that involves me.

He didn't even want me to accept the scholarship to UCLA because he thought it would be better if I stayed closer to home and went to the local community college. Like, who does that?

I refused and refused until he finally got the hint. 

Soon, we arrived at the school. People were already here even though graduation doesn't start for another two hours. Immediately when the car was parked I jumped out and began my way towards the school.

"Layah," my sister called out, "wait for us!"

I turned and saw my sister and brother trying to catch up with me.

As soon as they reached me, Khadijah asked, " What's with the rush?"

"I was just trying to get away from dad's bullshit." I stated plainly, looking back and immediately meeting my dad's eyes.

"Damn, what happened this time?" Micah asked as we reached the stadium.

I sighed before saying, "Just the same stuff, honestly. Trying to control me. But this time he went further and said I was acting grown. Basically saying that I was dressed like a slut and that I should do what a slut does best."

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