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chapter ten: the dorm room surprise

I looked at him with surprise, "Hi Cam. Do you live in this building too?"

He came closer to me, sticking his hands into his pockets, "uh..no I don't. I actually came to hang out with you."

He nodded his head convincingly, as if he was happy with his response.

"Oh," I began, looking down at my feet, "maybe we can hang out tomorrow after I workout. How about tomorrow at one? I'm too tired to hang out tonight."

He cocked his head to the side, "I'm busy at one. How about five? We can go grab dinner?"

I didn't have a problem with that. In fact, I was surprised that he was taking the initiative to hang out with me.

"Yeah, that sounds good." I replied, nodding my head.

"Alright, I'll see you then. Bye A-I mean babe." He says, kissing my cheek

What was all that about? I shrugged my shoulders, I'm too tired to even think about it.

Opening the door of my dorm, I saw Amelia looking at something on my bed.

I looked at her and she stared back at me.

"Someone slid that," pointing at the envelope on my bed, "under the door. It's for you." She said.

I walked over to my bed to look at the envelope. It was another letter from this anonymous person.

I opened the letter hesitantly. It read:

You may not remember me, but I remember you. We will meet soon and then you'll know the truth.

Creepy. Who ever this person is, they know who I am and they have pictures of me.

I didn't know what to do. I couldn't call my mom because there's nothing she can do about it, she's all the way in Texas.

I'll tell Renae tomorrow. Maybe she can help me figure it out.

Amelia made going to sleep difficult.

"Amelia, can you please talk a little quieter? I'm trying to go to sleep."

Amelia paused and then continued talking on her phone. I groaned and squeezed a pillow to my ear.

The next morning, my phone rang loudly in my ear, jolting me awake.

"Hello?" I asked, my voice full of sleep.

"You better be ready when I get up to your room. Did you forgot that we have conditioning today?" Renae asked through the phone.

My eyes widened. I totally forgot! "Uh, no I didn't forget. I'm actually waiting on you," I lied easily.

"Good, I'll be up there in one minute." She replied, ending the phone call.

I never moved so fast in my life. I threw my phone back onto my bed, and hopped down from it.

I quickly threw on a pair of leggings and a black sports bra. The knock on my door made me move even faster.

I struggled to put on my all white nikes. I ran to the door and calmly opened it.

Renae squeezed past me, looking at my dorm.

"God bless your soul, Layah. This fucker is small as hell. I would die if I had to live here." She said loudly.

"Wow, thanks Renae. So supportive." I rolled my eyes, grabbing my keys, phone and my water bottle.

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