Love Formula

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This is a short story I had to get out of my mind to proceed with a bigger one. Have fun.


"No!" Jungkook exclaimed frustrated, "Love is not something you can evoke like you switch on your sound system. It's free, sudden and unexpected. That's why people are in love with love. It's something you can't manipulate." He almost whined.

Taehyung stared at him dead-eyed. The crimson and his straight-A-friend Namjoon had tried to convince him that love was a mere game that was as easy as Uno once you know how to trigger the right hormonal reactions. Those two wanted him to believe that love was scientifically inducible. But he would not have this shit. It would destroy the romantic idea he had of falling in love, and the mere thought hurt his chest.

"Look, Kookie," Taehyung tried again, propping his underarms up on the cafeteria table. "There are seven hormones that are the basis of the feeling love. If you make all of them clash with well-planned actions, you'll receive love as the result, with attraction as the basis of course."

Jungkook growled at the two psychology students. "Prove it then," he demanded, staring down the two older students with a glare he hoped was scary. The reaction was rather weak, close to nonexistent if he was honest.

"Okay," the crimson said, and one of the wide mischievous smiles curled his lips, "But you'll be the one executing the plan."

Jungkook almost dropped the sandwich he was eating and stared at his friend in shock. Was he serious?

"I agree," Namjoon intervened, "You want your proof, then be our front man. Otherwise you could accuse us to play a false game, and that would neither help us nor you. After all, what's there to lose?"

Now he had two men with crossed arms and the same you-can-take-it-or-leave look in front of him. And once again he wondered why he was friends with the Psycho Kim Duo. All he had wanted when he had entered campus was to finally live out his sexuality freely, so he had ended up in bed with Taehyung at the first party he ever attended. It had been the sports students' party, so he had not been expecting a psychology student to be there, but lucky as he was he had gotten dirty between the sheets with the infamous Kim Taehyung, and like everyone before him he had become a slave to the charisma and charm of the crimson. There was something addicting about the crazy psychologist that pulled people in. And Namjoon was the gratis green-haired addition you received when you stayed with Taehyung for longer than a month (the time most people had given up again to get into something like a relationship with the fluttery handsome).

Together those two were the Psycho Kim Duo. Because when Taehyung's craziness and creativity melted together with Namjoon's knowledge and logic, those two were like a completely overpowered game avatar. Indestructible and unstoppable. Left brain and right brain. Just like now when they had set their combined mind onto proving him wrong and stared him down with an intensity Jungkook knew he would not be able to withstand much longer. He was a little nervous when he saw how confident those two were in regard of their theory.

But Namjoon was right. What was there to lose? He would not be the one falling in love after all, so no damage for him, and he still did not believe that the two could make someone fall forcefully. That was plain arrogance. "Okay. I'll do it," he agreed.

Taehyung's smile became almost rectangular, but it missed the normal warm gleam. His friend looked like he was planning world domination, and Jungkook felt how his body tensed up from sudden nervousness.

"Good," the crimson said, "First, stop using this much cologne. I can smell you from five meters afar." Jungkook wanted to protest, but Taehyung would not let him. "Your personal scent is much more attractive than this cloud of artificial odor. It's closer to the smell of sex."

Jungkook choked on his sandwich and began to cough violently. What the fuck! Why would he want to smell like sex? Taehyung and Namjoon watched him like one would watch a lab bunny that had been given a new drug to test. Well, maybe he had become just that, their lab bunny. Those damn smart asses.

"Secondly," the younger psychology student continued when Jungkook had calmed down a little, "Know everything about your target."

"Who's the target?" Jungkook croaked out and took a sip from his water bottle.

"Park Jimin," Taehyung stated like he had planned this for month.

Jungkook's eyes widened and he was happy that he already had swallowed, otherwise he was sure he would have had the next coughing fit. Park Jimin was one of the older sport students four semesters above him, and the man was so stunningly beautiful that he was known in the whole professorship. But he was also known for turning people down at the slightest attempt of flirting. This man was an uncrackable safe even without the premise to make him fall in love with Jungkook.

Namjoon seemed to think about the choice, weighing his weirdly styled green head from one side to the other, but after some seconds he seemed to approve.

"Why Jimin?" Jungkook asked, unsure if he was still up for the plan. Jimin seemed too high of an aim for someone like him. He did not even know whether the man was gay or not.

"He's gay, obviously," Taehyung discarded the first doubt, "He's attractive what makes it easy for you, I suppose. He's single and currently not interested in anyone else. You're both sport students and from Busan what's a good basis for non-sexual bonding. And he likes to draw just like you do."

The redhead had counted the reason on one hand and now looked at him like he expected him to clap, but Jungkook was just flabbergasted. "How do you know he likes to draw?" he asked confused as to why a psychology student would know such details about a sport student.

"Seriously?" the crimson asked and looked at him like he was doubting his intelligence once again. "He's sitting next to the basketball court basically every time you and the other guys play after classes."

All the new information hit Jungkook like a bullet rain. So, that was why Jimin was always there but never wanted to play. Jungkook had assumed that he simply liked to watch or did not know how to play because he was more interested in gymnastics. But now that Taehyung mentioned it, the other sport student always had that black book with him. A sketchbook apparently.

"Oh," was all Jungkook's mind could produce after it had been stuffed with all the new and surprising information.

"What lingual finesse," Namjoon mocked him with an amused smile. The green-haired loved to tease him with his superiority, and he had no chance of paying the man back because the other was not moving one limb for sports and that was basically the only thing Jungkook was exceptionally good at. Apart from drawing, a hobby he seemed to share with Jimin.

"Shut up," he hissed back and pushed away the empty plate to lean onto the table. "So, what's the first step of your genius plan?"

"Like I said: Know everything about your target," Taehyung said with a shrug and gave Namjoon a side glance to receive a nod from the older. "We'll have to check all his social media accounts and maybe ask some friends to gather all his hobbies, favorites and maybe fears." The crimson sounded like he was talking about the weather, and Jungkook did not know what to make of the light tone. It sounded too relaxed for a project this impactful.

"Uh...okay," was all he could render after being confronted with the precise but not very helpful instructions, and he sunk back into his chair. This sounded like it was not yet his turn to strike, but he did not know whether he should like or hate it.

This project went beyond predictable from his point of view, and his stomach felt weird at the thought of really doing this. He was about to make the most attractive man of the whole sport department fall for him, or at least Taehyung and Namjoon would make him do things that probably could make Jimin fall for him. The idea was frightening and exciting at the same time, and he did not know which feeling was stronger.


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