Chapter 11: Traffic Light

Start from the beginning

"Oh hi... Brenda, I didn't know you would be joining us." I could see how bad the fake smile was killing her and that somehow brought happiness to my now, bitter heart.

I could see Carson turn around from where he sat on the boat, a smile spread across his face but soon disappeared when he looked at Hilary and I's dispute.

I put on a fake smile, trying to blatantly disregard the fact that she called me a completely different name. "I didn't know I was either! We better get going though, I don't want it to rain and mess up your beautiful and may I say vibrant grass hair."

You could practically see the steam coming from her ears, as I made my way over to sit on a random canoe with Sebastian.

"Is there anyway you can crash into the Loch Ness Monster and drown me? Better yet, maybe it will eat me." I said picking up a paddle and placing it on the edge of the narrow boat.

When he didn't respond I looked up to see him staring out into the water, not paying a simple mind to me.

"You okay?" He remained silent, not saying a single word to me.

"You don't have to talk to me, but you have to paddle okay? I don't want to go in a circle."

"I'm not in the mood pumpkin." He finally looked back at me and sighed ruining his fingers through his hair.

"I didn't ask if you were in the mood pumpkin, I asked you to paddle." He rolled his eyes at my response and we started on our way to the deeper part of the lake.

• • •
I felt a bump.

"Watch where you're going!" Of course it would be Hilary and Carson who decided to bump into us with their canoe.

Of course.

We had paddled all around the lake, taking in the beautiful nice sceneries without a single word to each other. It was nice, it was calming.

"I'm sorry, maybe if your big green hair wasn't distracting me like a fucking traffic light!"

Wrong choice of words.

Before I could comprehend what I just said I felt a paddle hitting me hard on the chest making me tumble off the canoe and into the warm salty lake water.

"Hilary!" I could hear Carson yell as he stood up on the Canoe and stretched over to see me.

"I'm sorry Brenda, I didn't realize how long these things were." She said putting on a fake pout while spreading her hand over her heart.

I was so angry I didn't even realize Sebastian huddled over on the canoe, laughing his ass off.

"Really? This brings you joy?" I said huffing in annoyance as I made my way back into the boat.

"Do you need help?" I shrugged Carson's hand away and got on the canoe by myself.

"I don't need your help Carson, I'm pretty sure you've done enough." I glanced between him and Hilary and shook my head in frustration. I didn't know why I was getting so worked up over a green haired goblin, but she really made me have to restrain myself.

Me and Sebastian canoed back to land, ignoring Carson yelling at us to come back. Neither of us wanted to be there and I had to dry myself off before I started to shrivel like a prune.

I walked back to the cabin and decided to just take a shower all together, I smelt like fish and I didn't want to be reminded of the embarrassing incident every time I took a whiff.

I could see Carson waiting for me outside the bathhouse, I dragged a dramatic groan before exiting quickly in hopes of being unseen by the stupid boy.

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