Planning and Hotel Rooms

Start from the beginning

"It would be nice to have family there of course," I agree "but I don't need any of those other things. Honestly I just want to be married to this man as quickly as possible."

"Well, Sophia has never been one for traditions, we've always known that." My dad says in my defense. I smile at him then turn my head back to Thomas.

"What are you thinking?" I ask, my heart beat like a base drum in my ribs.

"I want whatever you want, love. Wether it's eloping or a big ceremony, I don't care either way" He says, his blue eyes light with anticipation. He wants to know, everyone does.

Are we getting married tomorrow?

"Oh my god is this really happening?" Isaac asks, picking his chin up off of the floor.

"Fiona!" He suddenly yells and starts running into her room.

"Stop yelling, you idiot. Ruby is sleeping." Fiona's voice scolds Isaac, but he doesn't seem to even register she spoke.

"Thomas and Sophia are trying to elope to Vegas!" He shouts and Fiona is suddenly freaking out loudly. There's a bunch of struggling noises, but before too long Fiona appears in the doorway, looking quite frightening.

"How dare you! She says, pointing a finger at me.

"I have earned my bridesmaid duties, and I demand the opportunity to throw you a bachelorette party!"

"Get back in bed, baby, you just pushed out a human being." Isaac says as he tries to coerce Fiona back into the room, not banking on her actually getting up from his news. She shrugs him off, so I walk over to Fiona and put my hands on her shoulders.

"Do you think this is a bad idea?" I ask her in earnest and she bites her cheek.

"I dunno, sis. I just... I just want it to be special, you know? And if you up and elope Isaac and I can't come because we, you know, had a baby like five seconds ago."

My heart is aching for me to just marry Thomas as soon as possible, but my mother and Fiona are right. It's selfish.

"Fine, we can plan a regular service, but I want to pick the date right here, right now."

Fiona seems to relax. I turn to Thomas and walk over to him, his handsome smile making my legs feel instantly weak.

"When sounds good to you?" Thomas lifts his hand to move some stray strands of hair behind my ear, his tongue tracing along his bottom lip.

"March. Just as the flowers start to bloom, and the air warms a bit. I think three months is all I can wait." My heart flutters, and my mom starts audibly crying beside me.

This has been the most insane day of my life.

Gabbie pulls her phone out and stares at it for a minute.

"March 12th is on a Saturday. Would that work? One of my sorority sisters two dads have a planning service."

"Do you just know someone for everything?" I say with a surprised laugh. Gabbie gives me a proud smile.

"Yes. I have many connections!

"March 12th sounds amazing to me." I say, turning back to Thomas who nods in agreement.

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