Chapter 8

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Okay, I decided to cut this short and turn it into a shorter story. Maybe I’ll get 15 Chapters, maybe I won’t, it doesn’t matter.

This was planned out with almost thirty chapters, but oh well.

Curly hair, don’t care.

Okay, hope it’s alright for you.

Just that my plans for the chapters would be really short chapters, under 1k.

I just really wanna have some skittles, I really wanna have some. But I don’t have any #sadface

Oh, I now have a side blog to my tumblr blog, and that’s where I will post all my private chapters. If you don’t wanna follow me but wanna read them, just look there.

Talking about following, I have 500 Followers! Oh my god, I was on the way back home from my Nan’s and I wanted to scream but I couldn’t!

Anyways, enjoy!

Marcel sighed as he stood alongside Perrie. The girl had argued him to come to another party, and he had let her style him again.

“I don’t wanna. Louis is gonna be there,” Marcel said.

He had felt so damn awkward after what had happened that he had told Perrie. The blonde girl had been as helpless as he was, but she wanted him to talk to Louis and make him tell Marcel what had happened.

Perrie rolled her eyes at her best friend. “That is the intention! And now go in there and talk to Louis. After you did, maybe I will even talk to Zayn.”

Marcel sighed deeply and nodded his head before he linked his arm with Perrie’s and they walked through the doors into the house.

“I want you to have a great time. I’ll go dance with some boy,” she said into his ear before walking off towards a boy Marcel had seen once or twice in school.

He looked around, thinking about what he should do now. He should find someone to dance and that was it, nothing more, nothing less.

But then he saw a figure on the dance floor. Small, well built, feathery hair and glistening blue eyes that met his. Louis was standing there, he stopped dancing and looked at Marcel. The girls around him tried to get him to dance with them but he kept staring at Marcel and then he came over to him.

He stopped right in front of the curly haired boy and smiled, reaching out for his hand.

“Dance with me?” he asked.

Marcel stared at him as if he had grown to heads but nodded and let Louis pull him on the dance floor. This time Marcel was sober and was able to watch Louis without any problems, but something still bugged him.

“How drunk are you that you’re willingly dancing with me?” Marcel asked, head on Louis’ shoulder, arms wrapped around the smaller boy’s waist.

Louis’ head lay against his collarbone, arms around his neck, but he pulled away to look into Marcel’s eyes, hands cradling the taller boy’s face.

“I’m sober. I don’t need to be drunk to willingly dance with you. I mostly need to be drunk to have the courage to do so.”

Marcel furrowed his brows.

“How should I understand this?” he asked.

“I wanna explain …”

But they were interrupted when someone shouted, “Louis, Marcel, come here! We wanna play Seven Minutes in Heaven!”

Louis looked angry but sighed, following Marcel to the small circle of teens, most were probably drunk and most were girls.

“So, who’s first?” a girl asked.

They spun a bottle and two had to go into the closet. After a few rounds, Zayn and Perrie had to. Marcel gave Zayn a death glare that said, One wrong move …

He loved Perrie like a sister and he would always make sure she had the best of the best. And Zayn was always so goddamn cocky and kind of like an asshole, and Marcel didn’t want her to get with him as long as he was the way he was.

Those were the seven longest minutes, that’s what it felt like for Marcel at least. He stared at the door, willing it to open right now.

And then, finally, the door knob turned and Perrie walked towards the circle, sitting down next to Marcel. Zayn sat down between two cheerleaders, Marcel didn’t know their names.

He zoned out until someone said, “Louis and Marcel are the next.”

Marcel stared at them and Louis took his hand, pulling him with him. Louis pulled him along into the closet and they heard the door being closed and a voice call to them, “Seven minutes from now on!”

They slid down the walls facing each other. Marcel tried ignoring Louis’ gaze, but he felt the blue eyes trained on him and he raised his head, meeting Louis’ gaze.

Louis sighed and played with his fingers, breaking eye contact.

“I don’t understand you,” Marcel said.

“Hm?” Louis asked.

“One minute you kiss me and you treat me like something important, the next you act like I have a horrible disease. What did I do wrong?”

“You?” Louis asked and his face became soft. “You didn’t do anything wrong. I’m the one who did everything wrong.”

“What are you talking about? What did you do wrong?” Marcel asked.

“We don’t have enough time for me to explain everything to you,” Louis shook his head.

“Give me at least one answer.”

And with that, Louis sighed and reached under the collar of his shirt and pulled something out from underneath. Between his fingers hung a small silver necklace. Marcel recognized it instantly.

He quickly grabbed at his own neck, seeing that his own necklace was still there.

“Where … where do you have that from? Harry said this was a single copy and this was the only one,” Marcel said, showing his own necklace.

But there was no doubt. Around Louis neck hung the same silver paper airplane necklace that Harry had worn every day.

“It’s not a single copy. There are two of those. I have one and Harry had one, now it belongs to you as I see. There is a story about those. I’ll tell you it. Just come to that one daisy field at 4 pm,” Louis said.

Marcel raised his eyebrows. “How can I trust you that you will explain everything and it’s not just a trap? You never liked me.”

“That’s a lie,” Louis said. “And you just have to trust me.”

“How?” Marcel asked again.

“Like this,” Louis said, reaching over and attaching his lips to Marcel, moving them with the curly haired boy’s before he pulled away and said, “You can believe me like that.”


We’re actually closer to the end already because I shortened this a lot.

Anyways, I hope you liked this.

Thanks for reading.

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I love you.

Kisses, Vic :*

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