Chapter 2

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Hi :)

Well, at least some of you like this.

I just realized that the concert is soon and I’m going to go there.

And that means that my birthday is soon also.

I have a new OTP! Thanks to a friend of mine, I found Lush on YouTube and I died, alright. They’re so damn cute and so damn shameless.

Alrightey, let’s get this started, huh?

Dedication goes to irwinspizzax because she’s adorable.

Hope you’ll like it.


Marcel finished the last touches to his outfit before grabbing his school bag from his bed. He looked around in his room, seeing Harry’s ring and necklace on his bedside table.

In Harry’s letter, he had asked Marcel to keep them and wear them. Marcel had never done this, but it was one of his brother’s last wishes, he should finally do it.

He reached over to it, putting the ring on his middle finger like Harry did. It fit so perfectly, like it was made for him. It was, probably, because he and Harry were absolutely identical. He clipped the necklace around his neck, hiding it under his collar, though.

He sighed and walked out of his room, down the stairs. He found his mum’s letter on the table. She was already gone, but it wasn’t anything new to Marcel.

He stepped outside the door and locked it, his every day routine, before he walked down the pavement to Niall’s house, his best friend.

Niall was labeled as a nerd also. He and Marcel had always been friends, even before Harry had died and Marcel had turned into his nerdy self.

Niall stood by Marcel’s side whenever he had needed the Irish boy. Perrie, their other friend, was more popular than them, but she was always there for Marcel. Then again, she was a bit different. She wanted Marcel to be his old self again – for Harry. But she also understood that Marcel couldn’t.

He rang the bell of Niall’s door and it was opened by the fake blonde Irish boy.

“Hey, Marcel, nice to see you, I’m almost finish. Wanna come in for a sec?” Niall said, hugging his friend.

“Yeah, sure,” Marcel nodded.

Marcel followed Niall into the house and sat down at the kitchen table.

“Where are your parents?” he asked.

“Gone already,” Niall said as he tied his shoes. “Ya know, they had to come early today.”

“Yeah, my mum went early today too,” Marcel nodded.

They chatted a bit like every morning until Niall was finished and grabbed his book bag. They walked along the pavement to the school like every day, but today there weren’t the jocks waiting for them at the gate to bully them.

“Hey, guys!” a girl’s voice shouted and Perrie jumped on Niall’s back.

“Hey, Pezza,” Niall laughed and tried to catch her and hold her. “How’re you?”

“Quite good, Zayn didn’t try to make a move on me yet.”

“Be honest, Pez, you like him,” Marcel teased.

“I would like him if he were a bit nicer and not such a fucking jackass,” Perrie replied, flipping her hair back. “I mean, he can be sweet sometimes, but then he’s such an asshole and he sometimes acts like he can have anyone he wants, and no, he can’t.”

“And you’re the one who has to show him that?” Niall asked, still carrying the blonde girl.

“No-one else will do it, so I will,” Perrie said nonchalantly.

Marcel shook his head, smiling. Perrie reached over and poked him in his right dimple. Almost immediately Marcel raised his index finger and looked at Perrie the way she called it Bitch please-expression.

“Bitch, you can’t touch this,” he said.

They had a small bitch fight until they reached their first lesson. As they walked along the corridor and chatted over this and that, suddenly Marcel violently collided with another body, sending both of them falling to the ground.

“Watch it, nerd,” a hateful voice hissed.

Marcel quickly looked up to see the common pale denim jacket and black skinny jeans. A second later, he saw the brown fringe and piercing blue eyes. He knew this guy much too well.

Louis Tomlinson, popular, star jock, football captain and the person that hated Marcel the most.

“S-sorry, Louis, I didn’t see you,” Marcel said, trying to keep his voice from stuttering.

“You already ran into me yesterday, maybe you need a new pair of glasses,” Louis said, standing up. “Honestly, maybe you should stay home before someone gets hurt.”

“Louis, stop being such a douche bag,” Perrie said, helping Marcel up.

“Mind your own business, fairy,” Louis said, knowing that Perrie hated being called a fairy.

Perrie looked about ready to explode, but Marcel placed a hand on her arm to calm her down and pull her to their first class.

Louis walked past them, roughly slamming his shoulder against Marcel’s.

“Why is he just such a …” Perrie started.

“Leave it be, it’s not worth it,” Marcel said.

But Marcel had to admit that it hurt him with how much hatred Louis looked at him. He had always thought Louis was fair and generous and all, but apparently, something had happened. Louis used to be really nice to Marcel, but now …

Over the last year, Marcel had developed a crush on Louis. The blue eyed boy had always been nice and smiley with Marcel, and that had made Marcel’s heart beat faster. But everything stopped two weeks after Harry’s death. Marcel just wanted to know why. Why had Louis changed so much? Why did he hate Marcel with such a huge amount?

Marcel couldn’t recall that he had done anything wrong to the football player. He just wanted to know, was that too much to ask?


Sorry that it’s a bit short, didn’t have more ideas, I’m sorry. Next chapter will hopefully be longer.

Hope you liked it though.

And now excuse me while I go stalk Lush again.

Thanks for reading.

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I love you.

Kisses, Vic :*

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