Chapter 5

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Gawd I love you all. I can't actually believe that I go to the concert today. Well, the next time I'll probably take a standing place or a better place but this time I just asked for tickets too late, but for that those are pretty awesome seats.

But I don't care since ... why should I!? I have better things to do.

Like plan my series.

I have a great idea, and I will tell you soon in a different story.

Anyways, nevertheless. Hope you liked last chapter.

And hope you'll like this.

Just some meaningless shit.


When Marcel came back to being awake, he didn't want to open his eyes. His head was murdering him, a pounding pain dulling his body.

Why did he have to drink so much last night? How much did he have to drink, actually? He couldn't remember anything after taking the shots with that boy.

It had been quite the time since he had a hangover like that, on his first parties when he didn't know his limits yet, he had had a few horrible ones, but afterwards they weren't that bad. Now though, he wished for some painkillers and water.

He groaned and placed a hand over his forehead and eyes, slowly opening them. It hurt a bit, but he managed and slowly removed his hand, eyes instantly snapping shut again due to the bright light.

He wanted to turn on his side but he was restrained by something. Startled, he looked to his right, much too fast for his head's liking. His vision blurred as pain shot through his head.

When his vision cleared again, he saw something that eased the pain away again. Curled up to him, arms wrapped around his middle and head on his shoulder with soft hair ticking his bare skin, lay Louis Tomlinson. The Louis Tomlinson.

Marcel tried to sit up and a burning pain shot through his lower region.

What the fuck, he wondered. Fuck, fuck, fuck!

He quickly raised the comforter that was draped across both of them and looked beneath, confirming his fears. Both he and Louis were stark naked.

Marcel tried to remember what had happened last night, but he was interrupted by a harsh wave of nausea. He quickly jumped up, surprisingly not waking Louis up, and raced to the bathroom that was luckily connected with the guest room.

He ripped the door open, dashed in and quickly opened the lid of the toilet before he was hunching over the toilet bowl, throwing up into it. Tears welled up in his green eyes at the horrible feeling in his throat as he leaned over the edge of the toilet again, vomiting once more.

After he just sat in front of the toilet shaking, he decided it was over and stood up. He walked over to the small cabinet hanging over the sink, looking inside it. He knew that here were some painkillers and was relieved when he finally found them.

He filled a glass that also stood in one of the cabinets - who the fuck had glasses in their bathroom? - with water and popped two pills into his mouth, downing them quickly with the glass of water.

He kept standing there for a bit, collecting himself as he waited for the pills to work. When the headache started to dull away, he opened his eyes again, taking in his reflection.

His chest and stomach, as well as his collarbones where littered with love bites and he was thankful that he always wore high collars and long sleeves. He had bruises on his hips and thighs and his asshole hurt a lot, but he took a deep breath before turning around.

He realized he didn't have any other clothes and would have to wear his old clothes until he was home. Great. The clothes that he sweat in yesterday and that he even spilled a bit alcohol on. At least he didn't do any body shots, he used to love that.

He was far too tired and looked at the clock, it was only 4:30 am, but the lanterns in front of the window made it seem like it was much later.

Marcel closed the curtains, the room turning dark again instantly, and walked back over to the bed. He could sleep for a few more hours until he had to go away.

He lay down on the bed, crawling under the comforter. He lay next to Louis, not sure what to do until Louis rolled over and wrapped his arm over Marcel's waist and buried his face in Marcel's toned chest.

Marcel shrugged and smiled, wrapping his arms around Louis as well and closing his eyes. He inhaled deeply, listening to Louis' steady breathing.

The jock's feathery hair was tickling Marcel's bare skin, and he would really like to wake up to the boy fast asleep on his chest every day. But he knew he couldn't, it had probably just been some drunken mistake. Louis probably didn't even know it was him.

~Time Skip~

Marcel woke up around 9:00 am again. He decided it was time for him to go and stood up, collecting his clothes together.

He pulled on his old boxers before throwing his jeans and shirt over and pulling the socks on before tying his shoes again.

He furrowed his brows as he looked at Louis' sleeping form and decided to put two painkillers and a glass of water on the bedside table for him.

Just after he had put those there, it hit him, his memories from yesterday night. The way they danced, made out, the way Louis looked on top of him, but Marcel only realized one thing.

Louis had moaned his name, had moaned Marcel. He had known who he was. Then why the hell did he sleep with him if he hated Marcel? Had he been that drunk?

Marcel didn't want to know the answers. He placed a small kiss on Louis' forehead after pulling the comforter up to cover his body that was covered by goose bumps.

He was about to walk out of the door when he heard a small, "Marcy ..."

He inhaled sharply and turned around, seeing Louis still fast asleep, turning on his other side, back facing Marcel. The curly haired boy exhaled relieved and quickly left before he would stay too long.

~Time Skip~

Louis woke up around and hour later. He realized he was alone and felt his heart shatter, not that he ever expected to wake up to Marcel lying next to him.

He saw the painkillers and the water, looking for a note from Marcel, but there was nothing.

After taking the painkillers and blinking away the tears, Louis got dressed as well.

He tried not to be disappointed. He could never be with Marcel, he should know it. Marcel would have to stay a mistake. His beautiful mistake.


Gahh. What the hell.

Now bye-bye Grasshoppers and hello One Direction.

Next update my birthday, why do you get a present from me :P

Anyways, hope you liked it.

Thanks for reading.

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I love you.

Kisses, Vic :*

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