Aomine Daiki x SMR

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Welcome to the update, story requested by XFantasyCreatureX. That's one hell of the request, you know. Enjoy!

3rd POV

Aomine was in bad mood since morning. He got in the fight with his boyfriend. The day before Y/n saw him with a girl, she was flirting with him and Daiki couldn't get rid of her. Y/n took it as a sign of Aomine liking it, and he made a fuss over that in the morning. Now Aomine didn't know what to do and how go gain Y/n's trust back.

-Capitan, have you seen Y/n? – he asked.

-He skipped. – shrugged Wakamatsu.

Aomine decided to do the same. He tried to call him few times, but Y/n didn't answer the phone. Daiki was looking around the town, but he didn't see the handsome face of his lover anywhere. Daiki got hungry so he stopped at the Maji Burger. He took a breath of relief when he saw Y/n at the counter, talking to the cashier.

-I was looking for you anywhere. – said Daiki as he walked closer.

-Who's that? – asked the girl.

-My friend. – answered Y/n smirking. Aomine frowned, that smirk was only for him to see. Not to mention he called him a friend. – So what can you do about the matter we talked about?

-I'll talk to the manager. – she said and winked at Y/n, then she left.

-What was that about? – whisper yelled Daiki.

-I was flirting for free food. Do you know the employees can eat here for free? – explained Y/n. Meanwhile the girl came back and handed Y/n his food. – Thanks sweetheart~ See you around.

Y/n sat down at the table and started eating. Aomine tried to do the same, but he failed and had to pay for his burgers.

-What are you doing here? – asked Y/n and put a fry in his mouth.

-Like I said I was looking for you. I didn't see you since out fight and I got worried. – answered Aomine and looked down. – I really didn't do anything with her. She was pestering me for a month now. I don't want to lose you because of her. I'm all yours. And I'm gay, remember?

The h/c boy looked outside the window and sighed heavily. He remembered that Aomine used to be a huge flirt before they started dating. Y/n was jealous a lot in the beginning of their relationship, not the insecurities were coming back.

-From what I remember, you're bi. – he said turning his face to look at Aomine. – And you chased after every skirt in sight.

-Y/n I love you. – said Aomine in slightly raised voice. – I didn't do anything wrong, I didn't touch her, I didn't even want to be near her. Don't leave me, don't even think about it. She wouldn't please me the way you do. I had no idea being a bottom could feel so good. I want you, your love and your cock in my ass. So let's go home and have some rough sex until I won't be able to walk.

Y/n looked at him and smirked lightly. How could he deny suck offer?

-That can be arranged.

Y/n and Daiki did what they planned. They were basically running home and as soon as they reached their house they slammed their lips together. Daiki was a moaning mess before they even reached their bedroom.

Time skip

Aomine woke up snuggled up to Y/n's side. He tried to move, but he stopped when he felt the pain in his lower back. He knew what to expect after all eventful nights they shared. He just nuzzled Y/n's neck and waited for him to wake up. Y/n opened his eyes soon after he felt Aomine moving next to him. They shared a few kisses and decided to have a breakfast.

Y/n and Daiki decided to skip school, cause the bluenette had trouble with walking, not to mention attending the practice. Y/n carried him around the house and took care of him all day.

-I love you sugar. – smiled Y/n as they were snuggling at the couch.

-I love you too honey. – said Aomine kissing Y/n's forehead. He squeezed him tight and sighed in content. He would do all it takes to keep Y/n by his side and never let him down. Cause Y/n was his world, and no-one could change that.

One shots vol. IV (Seme male reader x Various)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon