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Namjoon: how's the model looking?

Hoseok: it's getting there-

Hoseok: tho I'm not sure if I got his eyes right-

Hoseok: I wish I had him sitting next to me again..

Namjoon: here-

Namjoon: *hands over a photograph*

Namjoon: it's a picture of us celebrating after we achieved making a working robot hand.

Hoseok: he looks so happy.

Namjoon: he has been designing that hand for years-

Namjoon: seeing his design working must've been so amazing.

Hoseok: and you made it happen.

Namjoon: without him, none of this would've happened-

Namjoon: kinda wish it didn't.

Hoseok: that's abit harsh.

Hoseok: you've both achieved so much

Hoseok: i haven't been in this group for long but we made a Fu**ing robot-

Hoseok: a fully working android!

Hoseok: that's huge.

Namjoon: except we messed up and turned a human into a walking tin can.

Hoseok: we will get him back.

Namjoon: anyways you can use that photo for reference..

Hoseok: would you like to see him?

Namjoon: I rather not.

Namjoon: *looks behind hoseok*

Namjoon: Yoongi fell asleep?

Namjoon: not surprised.

Hoseok: *looks at Yoongi*

Hoseok: I told him to leave and get some rest at home

Hoseok: he kept refusing and saying he's not tired

Hoseok: not even 10 minutes in-

Hoseok: he just fell asleep.

Namjoon: pf-

Namjoon: and you been working all night?

Hoseok: we have to get this finished fast.

Namjoon: follow your own advice and go home.

Hoseok: but-

Namjoon: I don't need you working brain dead.

Namjoon: I'll see you later-

Hoseok: ...

Namjoon: *walks away*

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