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Taehyung: Jk what am I feeling?

Jungkook: you are happy Kim Taehyung.

Taehyung: that's true I am happy.

Taehyung: but I'm also excited.

Jungkook: excited.

Jungkook: meaning very enthusiastic and eager

Jungkook: another words such as thrilled, exhilarated

Taehyung: exactly

Jungkook: would you like me to save that?

Taehyung: yes

Jungkook: saved.

Taehyung: how can you tell I'm excited?

Jungkook: I do not understand.

Taehyung: you see emotions are not only shown through what's displayed on your face.

Taehyung: you can tell through the tone of a person's voice

Taehyung: or even the body language.

Taehyung: right now you see me move around alot

Taehyung: you see me speaking faster than usual!

Taehyung: I'm raising my voice.

Taehyung: I'm showing alot of body movement

Taehyung: you should sense alot of energy from me

Taehyung: all these present my excitement!

Taehyung: Jk what am I feeling?

Jungkook: Excited Kim Taehyung.

Taehyung: good bot-

Taehyung: it's like training a dog.

Taehyung: I feel the need to give you a treat.

Taehyung: okay let try with a different emotion.

Taehyung: what am I feeling?

Jungkook: you are sad Kim Taehyung.

Taehyung: pay attention to my body language

Taehyung: *sighs*

Taehyung: *sighs*

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Jungkook: a sigh: emit a long, deep audible breath expressing sadness, relief, tiredness, boredom or similar.

Jungkook: resting on his hand-

Jungkook: Tired?

Jungkook: looking around...

Jungkook Nervous?

Jungkook: tapping his fingers...

Jungkook: Bored.

Jungkook: you are bored Kim Taehyung.

Taehyung: woah.

Taehyung: you learn quite fast.

Taehyung: I'm impressed.

Taehyung: let's move on-

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