Start from the beginning

Meera could not believe her sister was being so irrational. I mean they had just spent one evening together and she already had started being irritating about it. Was it that obvious a connection, she wondered. She looked at their families laughing together and caught Arjun's eye. He gestured for her to sit in the empty chair next to him. She took her plate and sat down.

"You okay? I heard you shouting 'You are impossible' inside" he said, mimicking her tone. The question was more difficult than it seemed. He was a nice guy and he was not going to know about the teasing. It would just creep him out. And it was too soon to get creeped out in this friendship.

"Nothing much. Just siblings fighting, as usual. She thought I stole her earphones, but I hadn't. Then it just escalated after a point. You may be familiar with that" she said nonchalantly.

"Oh yeah. But our fights are a little more vicious. I over-power her instantly, you know" he said.

"Oh please. She could 'over-power' you with her words alone. Don't underestimate the power of a girl's fingernails" she teased.

"You may be right about the nails bit, but my problem with Tara is that I can't be too harsh with her even if I want to. I'm the typically protective older brother to her" he said taking a bite of his food.

"Really? You don't give me that scary, older brother vibe at all! You're quite a softie, according to me" she smirked.

"There is a reason to my whole older brother act though..." he said slowly.

She turned more to his side and nodded for him to begin the story. "One day Tara was playing on the swings at the park. These guys pushed her off the swing and called her racist remarks I won't talk about right now. She came crying home and told me the whole story. After seeing her cry, I don't know why but this protective side of me just came out. I accompanied her to the park the next day. She pointed to the guys who were bullying her. They were still little compared to me. I went and threatened them. They let her sit on the swing right then and never bothered her since..." he said seriously.

"Wow." Meera said smiling. "Your story was straight out of a Bollywood movie though, DQ" she chuckled. "Do you any more of these dramatic stories?"

"Meera darling, you could write a play about my life. That's how much drama there is, on a daily basis. I'd give you the rights to make the movie on my life 'Arjun- The Untold Story', but I already plan on selling it to HBO for a million dollars" he said.

Meera burst out laughing. "Oh. My. God." she said between laughs, "Do you ever stop talking nonsense?! You really deserve the name DQ, DQ" she continued laughing.

"Hey. I'm sensitive about the gender swap. Why can't you call me DK?" he said making a puppy face.

"It doesn't have the same ring as DQ. DK is blah. But anyway I didn't think you could be that guy too. It's good to know you care so much about her!" she said bringing the topic back.

"Yeah. But we still have mini wars from time to time. I love telling her she is adopted."

"Textbook older brother behavior. I don't know how all you guys think of the exact same thing!"

"The conversations just don't seem to end, huh? I wonder what's cooking?!" said Arya cutting them off. They turned towards both of them.

"I'll just keep my plate in the sink" said Arjun, getting up.

"Okay. What is your issue, you two?! Why don't you do something better with your time? Go watch Princess Diaries or something." Meera said tiredly.

Arya and Tara had become too much to deal with. She had to figure out a way to shut them up.

"Kids. Listen up. We are going for a drive, so please do not break anything while we are gone. We'll be home late. So watch a movie or something." said Meera's Dad.

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