E i g h t e e n

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The wind picked up for the class. Marinette and Adrien woke up to the sound of panic from their classmates.

"What's happening?" Rose gasped, as the waves roughly crashed against the shore. Max narrowed his eyes at the ocean, pushing up his glasses.

"The hurricane, it's coming. Be prepared." Max muttered out loud to Rose and the class. Chloé and Lila started to scream, which caused the class to panic even more.

"Whoa, whoa, everybody calm down, please!" Adrien begged. The class looked at Adrien curiously, wondering what he was going to do about the situation.

"If we build some sort of barricade," Marinette added on. "Maybe we have a chance of surviving longer."

The class murmured to each other in agreement. Chloé cleared her throat.

"Um, ahem! That's a terrible idea!" She fake coughed. "That's because it's Marinette's idea, obviously."

"Remember, I'm Ladybug." Marinette winked at the blonde haired girl. Chloé let out a grunt of frustration and defeat.

"Fine, you win now Mari-trash. Besides, I regret fantasizing over you." Chloé flipped her hair in Marinette's face.

"She honestly doesn't care, but okay." Adrien shrugged and Chloé glared at him.

"You have no say in this-" Chloé was interrupted by Marinette shushing her.

"No more arguing. Let's get this show on the roll!" The bluenette announced and the class cheered, gathering materials needed for the barricade.
Meanwhile on rescue helicopter, the crew was trying hard to keep calm. Cole and Adam continued playing cards, but their hands shook while they played cards.

Shelia and Laney tried snuggling in blankets together, but they shivered. Grace tried gracefully looking out the window, but she was too worried.

"Ten minutes, we can do this." Harrison nodded at John. John nervously nodded back in reply.

"I can do this, I can do this, I can do this," John murmured to himself as he flew the helicopter.

The pilot sped up the helicopter. Harrison looked at the estimated time. He then looked up at John again. "Nine minutes."

Laney hugged Shelia tightly. "Well love, hopefully this isn't the last time we see each other."

Shelia nodded. "Yeah, let's hope not. I love you too much as a friend."

Laney felt triggered because she was called a friend, but nodded quietly. "I love you too much also. I can't lose you."

"As a friend, right?" Shelia raised an eyebrow. Laney shook her head.

"Nope, as a lover!" She exclaimed, making the rest of the crew turn their heads to look at the two 'friends'.

"What." Shelia said in confusion.

"What." Laney tried to act confused also.

"Seven minutes." Harrison got up from beside John and headed to where the crew was.

"You can do this," he murmured to the pilot. John nodded, continuing to calmly fly the helicopter.
"Half of the barricade is complete!" Alya reported to Marinette. Marinette smiled at her and gave her a thumbs up.

"Nice. Keep it up!" Marinette continued to pick up materials and pass them to Adrien.

"Ugh, so much work!" Chloé groaned. Lila grunted in agreement.

"Oh shush," Adrien muttered to the two whining girls.

The waves crashed against the barricade. Marinette prayed to god that this barricade would somehow work.

Accidental Field Trip ~ AdrienetteDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora