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The sound of tapping could be heard, the shuffling of papers, and the clicking of a stapler. I internally groan as I glance at my watch. Only a few minutes have passed since I last checked my watch. Could this day get any slower?

I've only been working at Gotham's bank for a few months, and I was already tired of it. I had a degree in accounting and the only available position they had was to be the assistant to the bank manager. So after spending four years in college, I end up sorting checks and getting the big man coffee.

I sigh deeply, putting the last check into the last envelope. I roll my neck, reaching up to scratch my soulmate mark. I've had the mark since I was born, signaling that my soulmate was older than me. I just hope they weren't much older. I've always wanted to know who my mate was, but as they days went on, the less hope I had in finding them. I've heard of stories of people who never find their soulmate, marrying and having kids and dying old without ever meeting them. I came to the conclusion that might be me.

The mark was odd anyway; it consisted of the four suits in the playing cards, all in a diamond formation. My peers would always tease me, claiming that my soulmate was a poker player or a magician, but after today I would have taken either or.

It was around three o'clock when the sound of gunshots rang like loud fireworks, causing me to jump and crouch to the ground. Was this really happening right now? Thankfully, I was in the back room, away from all the action.

But even as I huddled to the ground, you could still see me through the glass. The back of my neck flared up, something it had never done before. Is my soulmate here? Oh god please don't tell me my soulmate was either a robber or someone who was about to get shot.

I peer up from behind the desk to see clown masks covering the robbers faces, and I instantly felt my blood run cold.

I hated clowns. Ever since I was little their scary faces gave me nightmares.

I decided I shouldn't just sit here helplessly as the bank was being robbed so crawled out of sight, pulling out my phone and quickly dialing 911.

"911, what's your emergency?"

I calmly told the operator what was going on, but before I could spit out any more details, my neck burned badly causing me to hiss in pain. Just then, the door to the back office was kicked in, revealing a tall man in an ugly clown mask.

I screamed in panic, trying to move out of the way as the man launched forward towards me. He easily grabbed my ankle with a glove hand, pulling me towards him.

"My my, look what we, uh, have here," the man purred in a high-pitched nasally voice. I feel him reach up and pull my shirt down where my soulmate mark was. I could feel his stare burning into the throbbing mark. My heartbeat was thumping loud in my ears and I prayed to god that this man was not who I think he was.

He takes off his glove and rubs it gently across the mark, sending shivers through my body much to my displeasure. "Looks like I, hit the jackpot." He cackled, reaching down to lift me to my feet.

This could not be happening right now! "Let go of me!" I screeched, struggling against the robber's strength.

His voice turned from high and nasally to deep and dark. "I, don't think I will baby doll."

He gripped my arm tighter and pulled me out of the room and into the crowd of people. I looked around at my co-workers, begging them to help me. They just stared back with pity in their eyes and I began to lose all hope.

He walked towards the other men, his gun swinging back and forth as he gazes around.

Suddenly, a loud gunshot rang out and a bullet went flying into one of the clowns. The man who held me dropped to the ground, pulling me along with him.

The Joker's Princess (Joker X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now