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Your Point Of View

I walked for hours. I had no particular destination. I just walked until my legs gave out. I managed to snag a few articles of clothing to disguise myself as a homeless woman. As I walked by some windows, I caught my reflection hand hardly recognize myself. My face was covered in black smudges, most likely from the explosion. My hair was frazzled and my eyes were bloodshot. I found a small spot under a bridge where a few other homeless people laid. They eyed me but realized I had nothing of value to me.

I huddle against the concrete wall, tucking the smelly and dirty coat around me tighter. There was no water left in my body for I had cried it all out. Was this what it felt like to be rejected by your soulmate? I felt numb and emotionless, like my purpose to live was over. How pathetic. My stomach growled and I realized that I hadn't eaten in over twenty-four hours.

My eyes scan around to see the bundles of trash laying around. I swallow the last bit of saliva I had at the thought of having to eat food from trash. Funny to think just a few days ago I turned down steak and lobster.

My eyes lit up as I looked up to the sun beginning to rise. Wait a minute...Bruce Wayne! Maybe he could help me...My eyes sweep down to my wrist where the small 'W' had been removed.

No, he'll turn you in.

But he's not the police, and he seemed interested in you. Maybe you can use him to get a better life!

He drugged you.

Your right...he's just as crazy as—

What about Jack?

He rejected you, remember? He no longer wants you.

But he's still your soulmate.

Fuck him.

I wince and hold my head tightly. Since when did I have such loud voices in my head?

My body felt like it had just ran a marathon, but I pushed myself back to my feet. All I wanted was to eat, shower, and sleep, but here I was making my way towards the subway. However, I only made it a few feet before my body gave out, and I was stumbling to the ground. Last thing I heard was a shout for help before I succumb to the darkness.

Bruce's Point Of View.

I failed.

Rachel was gone.

My childhood friend and first love was dead. And it was all because of him.

I vowed to never take a life. But after this dreaded night, I might consider it. So many people died last night because of him. Dent was in critical condition along with twenty other officers. (Y/N) was still out there, the Joker had her in his clutches.

I needed to find her, to put some sense into her. She was all I had hoped I had left.

The sun was barely peeking out from behind the buildings when I began to make my way home. I pass under a bridge where a crowd of people were gathering over a person. I slowed the car down before coming to a stop. Even as Bruce Wayne I can help someone in need.

I run up to the group of homeless people who stood over what looked to be a woman. But not just any woman.

(Y/N) was laying right here before me, in tattered clothes, an ash stained face, and completely unconscious. Did the Joker finally dump her off?

I knew soulmate bonds weren't as magical as they claimed.

"Excuse me, please make way," I say politely as I push through the people and crouch down beside her. "This is my friend, I will take them to the hospital," I tell the group.

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