A Big Surprise and Moving Forward

Start from the beginning

Fiona suddenly starts smiling and laughing. It goes on for several seconds and she can't seem to make it stop.

"I can't," She wheezes "I cant believe I was even worried, baby, you'll be a great dad." Fiona says between giggles as she wraps her arms around Isaacs neck.

"Thank you bab- wait. What?!" Isaac looks like he's been slapped across the face as he pulls Fiona away and holds her at arms length.

"Are you pregnant?" He asks with a loud booming voice, his mouth already contorting into a handsome smile.

"Yes!" Fiona shrieks back and they pull each other into a long loving hug.

"Oh my god, Fiona I'm so happy. This is amazing." Isaac says, and I notice a few happy tears springing from his eyes.

"It must have been from the first time, we've been careful ever since." Fiona says and Isaac laughs. "Well I guess we really are stuck with each other, aren't we?"

I love that my friends are so happy, but the mood is really starting to get to me.

"I'm going to go for a walk and let you guys talk about things. I'll be back in a while." I say to them, and they instantly start trying to conceal their enthusiasm for my sake.

"No, stay! The food will get cold if you leave, besides there's not much to talk about yet." Fiona insists but I shake my head. This is very important and I don't want to bring them down.

"I'll be right back, Fi, gosh you're smothering me." I play it off as a joke and walk towards my door.

"And don't you dare think about having sex on my couch while I'm gone."

Once I'm outside I can take a deep breath. This last month had been nothing but hell as I sort through these feelings that don't seem to want to give me any rest.

I naturally start walking to the school because that's where my feet always seem to take me. The air is warm now and spring is in full bloom. The smell of blossoming trees and fresh rain hangs heavy in the air.

I've thought of forgiving Thomas more times than I could ever admit. Every night while I'm crying myself to sleep I think of what it would be like just to feel his arms around me one last time. I know I have to be strong, but that's so hard when I feel so weak all of the time.

It feels like a lifetime ago that I was Literarylane21, messaging Thomas secretly every night.

I would give anything to have those days back again.

Now I just spend my nights in my apartment, finishing my senior assignments and working on my novel that is no longer a cutesy romance novel by the way. I was too far along in the plot to change what the character looked like, but I was just far enough along to add an amazing twist.

Clara's likeness will forever be represented in my first ever novel, The Dead Dame, an erotic murder mystery, and you guessed it. She dies.

Gabbie even thinks my book has a good shot of being published, so when I've finished it she will take it to her dad for review.

I watch the campus come into view as I draw ever closer to the school that's housed me for nearly four years. My birthday is coming up soon, and I'm honestly excited to leave twenty-one behind. This year has been so hard, I'm just ready to be done with it.

I walk into the English building to see if anyone is in the computer labs working on an assignment. I've been doing some tutoring in my free time for the sake of spreading my knowledge.

I walk down the empty corridors, most classes having ended an hour ago. There are cliche posters of Shakespeare and Jane Austen on the walls along with poetry club fliers. I stare down at my feet for a while, and doing so causes me to accidentally walk right to Thomas's office.

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