"Anyways I was saying my dad told me to come up with you to pack some clothes but not alot only your favorites or however girls choose was to pack." He said annoyed with his mom in the background cooing a teddy bear.

I chuckled and walked in with him following.

My room was messy I mean come on was it supposed to be clean. I mean like I'm lazy and I didn't feel like cleaning plus I didn't expect anyone to come in my room. Mia, Emily, and Alex only come in my room and they end up trashing it even more so I make them help me clean it and use them messing it up as excuse for them having to help me.

"Really near in here I like it." Logan said with sarcasm dripping from his words.

I snapped my head to him and started growling while slowly stalking him.

"Never judge a woman's hard work or cleaning or cooking." Logan's mom said sitting on my bed still amused with the teddy bear not giving us a glance.

I was about to pounce on him but instead I went into my closet to find my suitcase and some comfy clothes.

I grabbed pretty much all of my t-shirts and some dress clothes and jeans. I grabbed all of my hoodies and threw one on. I grabbed some sweats and joggers then headed out to my dresser to get some panties and bras.

I was struggling to carry my suitcase out without dropping everything and it was hard.

I glanced over at the bed to see Logan's mom gone and Teddy gone as well. My heart hurt a little.

I turned to look for Logan and there he was all in my person under clothes.

He had out Lacy bras and lacy panties. Most of my thongs were out and the rest was the lacy panties. He had out mostly black and red and some other colors as well.

He didn't notice me standing there because he hand my panties up in the air with his eyes glued to them.

I cleared my throat and he dropped the instantly and turned around quickly while pushing the dresser closed with his butt.

He looked like a deer caught in headlights.

He was looking at my under clothes.

My wolf was laughing her butt off while I'm redder than a big red firetruck.

" I was umm- helping with the uhh- packing... yeah the umm- packing" he managed to stammer out.

He had it all ordered out like he picked them out himself.

"Why are they all lacy? Not that I'm complaining I would like to see what you have on right now to be completely honest."

His eyes had specks of gold in them and I knew his wolf was at shore.


"How about you take them all and the ones you don't want I can keep to uhh... donate to the uhh... older people?" he said trying to make up a lie on the spot.

"Older people want used lacy under clothes?" I asked amused but still blushing that my under clothes are still out.

"Well umm- Crap. nevermind" he said turning around and rubbing the nape of his neck.

"Nope go sit down and turn around I'll finish packing myself."

He pouted be agreed after I agreed I would ride in the same car as him alone. I cringed at the thought of being in a inclosed area with him for a long period of time.

'Don't lie you know you want him to keep your under clothes and you know you want to be anywhere he is with you perfect and snug in his arms' my wolf said in the back of my head and I groaned.

I packed as much under clothes I could until it was full.

I grabbed a duffle bag and started to pack socks,makeup, hair thing, face cleanser, my tooth brush, and things like that along with shoes and phone and macbook charger.

"Ready he asked?" knowing I had no choice but to say yes.

I grabbed my beat earbuds, my phone, and shoved my macbook in my duffle bag.

"Yeah" I said and he placed his hand on the small of my back to lead me back down to his parents so we could leave.

We got down there and Alpha was standing there.

"Sorry to see you go Ella" Alpha said.

"Yea" I said giving him a sad smile.

He pulled me into a hug before letting go and speaking.

"Well you should all be going if you want to get any sleep in your beds tonight." Alpha said and we all bid our goodbyes.

It wasn't that hard saying goodbye to my parents as I thought it was. I say the hardest goodbye was Herb. 2nd hardest, Alex. 3rd hardest, Mia and Emily. 4'th was my kitchen. And lastly was my room. I left my poor bed. ;( 

Alpha LoganWhere stories live. Discover now