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Adam's POV

When I walked into the locker room, Julie and Josh were sitting on the medical benches in the middle of the room. It looked suspicious, considering Julie told me she had a crush on Josh. Woopdy-doo.

I sat down at my locker, I took off my jersey, and undid my shoulder pads, letting my shoulders breath. We won our game against Canada, which means we made it to top five teams. Leaving Canada in sixth.

Josh got down from his bench, winced in pain, but sat beside me. He looked me up and down. I gave him a high five and congrats for playing like he did.

"Thanks. Mind doing me a favor?" He asked me, I noticed everyone else was changing. Of course out of all people, Guy walks over to us.

"Can I borrow some of your shampoo, Adam?"

"I don't have any, I use Josh's shampoo. Just go get his." Josh looked at Guy weirdly, I raised my eyebrows but brushed off what ever it was I was thinking.

"Yea sure whatever." I heard Guy and the next minute he was silent.

"Could you tell me how bad my side looks?" I looked down at his right side, I was about to lift his shirt, when He pulled it down and asked to look at it over by the showers.

"Doesn't look too bad, I mean I've seen worst." I crouched down on one knee. His side, to be honest, looked really bad, and even worst it smelt. My face scrunched up real small, till I put his shirt down.

I felt arms wrap around me, I was about to laugh, thinking it was just Guy trying to make Connie jealous. When I turned my head slightly and saw her brown wavy hair, tears started pouring out of me like there was no tomorrow.

I had to regain my composure. I stood up and turned to face her.

"Adam, don't cry." I heard her voice, I had small tears falling down my left cheek. She wiped them off, I placed my head on her shoulder. Feeling her warm hands rub against my scalp. I placed my arms around her and hugged her.

"Bailey, I've missed you so much." I stayed still, lifting my head slowly, she smiled and looked at me. Those beautiful brown eyes, that I always got lost in, were finally back.

"Adam..." I kissed her like I have never before, she kissed me just as much as I kissed her. I still had tears in my eyes, and seeing her face after we kissed, she was all red and full of tears.

Everyone was clapping and cheering. I left to take my gear off, while she said hi to everyone. Josh came at sat beside me again.

"Your an ass for not telling me, but my best friend for bringing her here." I laughed punching him in the arm.

"I mean I had to see her before I went back to Utah." He laughed, what an ass he is. I put all my gear in my locker and got up. Coach walked into the room, I stood with Bailey in my arms, looking over at Guy with two thumbs up and Connie standing beside Bailey.

Josh's POV

I nearly felt like crying, but I didn't. I haven't seen Adam so happy ever since I met him on the ice, our first day. I stood with Julie and Connie, as they did whatever it was they were doing.

"Aw they're so cute." Julie said, I looked over at her. She laughed and looked over at Connie who agreed.

"Your too sappy, even for me." I walked over to Charlie and stood beside him, using him as a post to hang on to.

Coach walks into the locker room, congratulating everyone. As he was doing one of his huge speeches, he stopped mid-way saying my name. Noticing an old member of the Ducks.

"Thompson, been awhile." He said laughing crossing his arms with his clip board in hand. She smiled and let go of Adam walking over to Coach Bombay. They hugged, he rubbed her shoulder before she went back to Connie and Adam.

"I haven't seen either of them this happy, let alone together is almost a few months" Charlie said. He didn't get the chance to say hello to her yet, which I feel bad.

"Bails, c'mere." I said, she walked over to Charlie and I.

"Charlie, that you. You've changed." She said, smiling giving him a hug, he hugged her. They were really close friends, from what Adam and Charlie have been saying.

After everyone was settling down, from Bailey's arrival, we all went back to the dorms. As always Guy stopping at every corner store, to buy a souvenir.

"Guy, lets go. I don't have all day. Literally." I have a meeting with Coach, Adam, and Julie. Charlie is suppose to come but Coach is talking to him and I privately later on.

We all parted ways to our dorm rooms, the girls went to their floor and all of us to our floor above theirs. Bailey technically wasn't suppose to be on our floor, but no one will catch us.

We led Connie, Bailey and Julie into our room. Most of the other players stayed in their rooms. Dean and Fulton stayed in theirs, Ken, Dwayne, Goldberg and Luis hung in their room.

I sat on the couch by the tv, Guy stayed in his bed with Connie laughing and talking about who knows what. Charlie sat beside me, we played rocked paper scissors to see who picked what show we were gonna watch before we left for the meeting.

Adam and Bailey sat on the other end of the couch together. She leaned her head against his chest as he held his arm around her and they held hands. Julie was standing up cleaning mine and Adams side of the room, because were messy according her.

I couldn't help but notice she was touching all my things. Like the hotel room, I got up and dragged Charlie with me. He jumped on my bed and watched her clean up our room.

"Take a break, leave everything alone, and I mean don't touch my stuff, it's all in a place where I can find it." Adam turned around and I looked at him and Julie exchanging glances, as they winked back and forth.

"What? Why don't I get this?" Bailey stood up walking with Adam over to us. She whispered in my ear.

"Your so oblivious, she likes you." My eyes went wide, I know I kissed her but it felt like the right moment, I didn't actually think she liked me, out of all of us.

"No." I said looking at all of them, they all laughed and agreed. I then looked at Julie who threw something of Mine and Adam's on the floor and walked over to me.

"It's true?" I said, Bailey sat on Adam's bed. He sat down beside her, as they watched us. She was about to tell me something when Charlie got up grabbing all three of us, and heading out of the room.

Adam said bye and kissed Bailey as he left. Adam, Julie, Charlie, and I all left the room to the bus where we went to our meeting.

Charlie sat in a different room, with Yan and Mr Tibbles. I sat with Adam and Julie on the far side of Adam waiting for Coach to speak to us.

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