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Josh's POV

Once everyone was here we all talked and did what ever till Dwayne asked if we could play truth or dare. Everyone said yes except me.They overrule witch forced me to play.

"Okay Ya'll who's first?" Dwayne asked, we all looked at each other as no one wanted to go first. So Dwayne went first since he wanted to play.

"Jess truth or dare." Jesse looked around the room, then spoke.


"Who is the worst person dressed in this room?" Dwayne asked, we all looked at Jesse, he thought about it for like 5 secondes then blurted out 'Guy'. We all laughed as Guy looked around the room with his arms crossed.

"Truth or Dare, Luis" Jesse asked, Luis said Dare witch meant Jesse got to pick.

"Let one of the girls draw a fake mustache on your face." Connie got excited and grabbed a green marker, instead of a black sharpie. She drew a huge mustache cover his face, we all laughed at the sight of Connie's work.

"Okay whatever, Truth or Dare, Julie" Luis asked, she picked a dare too.

"Let the person to your left gets to draw on your arm 'I love' whoever they pick and you have to keep it there for the rest of the day." I noticed Averman was to her right, he smiled looking over at Adam and I. Pick Adam.

He wrote on her arm 'I love' I couldn't see the name until he lifted her arm in the air showing us, my name. I sighed as everyone laughed and Julie kind of blushed laughing.

"Truth or Dare, Adam!" Julie asked, Adam pciked truth. She thought for awhile till she asked."Do you like anyone?" She asked, The team who are Ducks all looked at him with smiles as I was confused as ever.

"Yea" He said, everyone laughed and Dwayne and Julie started picking on him, but he never told us who.

"Whatever, stop." Adam said, as he turned serious looking at me." Josh Truth or Dare." He asked, I picked dare I had nothing to loose.

"Let the person to your left, pcik someone that you have to hug then kiss." My jaw dropped, and it dropped even more when I saw Guy smiling wide beside me, c'mon.

"Well it has to be a girl, but Connie is off limits, so Julie." Guy said, I sighed, It's not that I didn't want to hug or kiss her, I just didn't want to do it in front of these guys.

"Is there chicken?" I asked, Adam shook his head no and pushed me off the couch, Julie got up as I gave her a hug.

"Cheek?" I asked, Guy and Adam looked at me.

"Julie picks." I sighed again, as she hugged me. She smiled then kissed me on the lips for 5 secondes then pushed me back onto the couch.

"Ooo" and "wow's" were heard around the room, as I went to the next person.

"Truth or Dare Connie" She looked around as she said 'Truth'

"If you had to pick one person in this room, to bring to an island who would you pick" She looked around we all knew who she'd pick.

"Guy, obviously." She said, leaning on him. Julie smiled as the rest of laughed and made jokes.Fulton and Dean never showed up witch didn't seem to bother us.

"Averman, truth or dare?" Connie asked, he picked dare of course. She told him he had to run down the halls, wearing nothing but his underwear and in marker saying I'm free, call me. Adam and I took the marker writing it across his chest.

We stood outside the door, watching him run down the halls in his underwear we all laughed. Once he came back he put his clothes back on and sat ont he floor beside me.

Almost evryone had their chance to get a truth or dare, Coach came into the room looking at us.

"Team bonding, why wasn't I invited?" He asked, we looked at him, we knew he had left with Mr Tibbles so we couldn'd of asked him.

"You left the building before we started playing" I said, he nodded. He told us we had a huge dinner planned at some restaurant. We went to out rooms, changing from our track suits.

We all got onto a bus, and waited till Goldberg and Dwayne come. They take forever, Goldberg is just plain messy. I saw down beside Adam as we talked about our next game and how i'll be able to play.

He told me, that I'm a great a hockey player, he said it wouldn;t surpirse him if I made it to the NHL, or got scouted. I told him the same, he was really good, and I wasn't saying it because he told me that.


Julie's POV

Connie and have become close as friends. I'm still from a different state then most of the team. But I'm making friends, Connie looked out the window as I looked down the aile of the bus, eyeing Adam and Josh laughing.

I smiled knowing that some people on this team have bonded. Besides Dean and Josh, he has another black eye, but this one is worst then the one when he was fighting for me.

"What you looking at?" Connie asked as she looked down the aile. I pointed to the guys.

"Oh them, yea. There's some eye candy, but I have mine." She said ruffling Guy's hair in front of her. He turned around and smiled, looking at her. I leaned back in my seat waiting till we got to the restaurant.

"This is kind of fancy guys, but we still picked something you'd like" I looked at the outside and noticed it was an arcade themed restaurant. This is his thought of a 'fancy' restaurant. Connie squealed looking at a huge teddy bear in the window.

We all got off the bus, rushing inside, we were lead to a huge party room. We all pulled a chair out siting one beside another. Connie sat on one side of me, as Jesse was on the other.

Adam, Charlie, Luis and Josh were at the othe end, furthest away from Coach and Miss McKay, so the supervisors. Everyone got up and went to the arcade games, I saw a huge jugle gym inside that let outside and back in.

I climbed in with Averman and Ken, they rana round the whol thing as I saw a little train poping out of the side. I sat in the train part of the jungle gum, sitting on a platform looking out onto the rest of the place.

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