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Josh's POV

"Josh, Josh."  Someone said shaking me awake. I turned over and slightly opening my eyes to see Julie beside me fully dressed and everything. She's an early riser.

"Yea I'm awake." I said, pulling the cover behind me getting up. She started slightly laughing, I ignored her walking to my bag on the other side of the room. I grabbed a pair of jeans, t-shirt, etc.

I went to the bathroom getting dressed, I finished changing and walked out throwing my clothes in my bag then zipping it back up.

"Coming down to eat?" Julie asked, I nodded following her out of the room. I didn't get a room key because she had both so I left her with the room key.

We walked into the elevator waiting till we reached the main floor. She walked out leading me to the breakfast room. I saw four other guys sitting in there fooling around, are they on team usa?

"See those four guys over there?" Julie asked me, I nodded looking at the same direction as her.

"There on the team, and If I were you, don't get to close to the one with the bandana." She said, I nodded sitting down beside a guy with black hair, he was tall, but I was a shorter guy compared to them, besides this really short kid.

Julie came back to the table with a plate of food sitting beside me and the short kid. I didn't know any of their names, besides Julie.

The tall one who doesn't even look like a teenager sat down beside Julie pulling a chair up. He started playing with her hair, and moving it behind her ear. She would tell him to stop, but then he started calling her babe and stuff witch pissed her off.

Once I had enough of him teasing her, I got up and pushed him slightly.

"What's you problem man, leave her alone." I spoke, he stood up glaring at me. I swallowed standing my grounds. He crossed his arms and started laughing as the other three guys look at us kind of scared.

"What's my problem, what's yours?" He asked me, I kind of laughed, he can't think of anything else to say obviously.

"My problem is she has a name, not little pet names that you give everyone. Learn it, say it!" I said pushing him once more, he got pissed and came back at me. This was now a full out fight in the breakfast room between the two of us.

He punched me in the eye, probably deserved it, but I didn't back down. I stood up shaking slightly punching him in the lip, he felt it and noticed blood, I smirked walking away when he came running after me and I saw him from the corner of my eye, moving slightly to the left.

Making him fall flat on his face, I stood on top of him. I kneeled down so I could speak to him.

"Now what's her name?" He looked the other way not wanting to answer, I said it again a bit louder.

"Julie!" He said, I patted his back leaving him there and walking away. The others clapped as I had put this goon in his place, I grabbed a muffin walking out of the breakfast room and to the elevators.

I walked into the room passing in front of the mirror noticing he had hit my cheek bone, I had a slight cut it was deep but what ever. My eye was throbbing, so I simply left it otherwise I could make it worse.

"You okay?" I heard Julie's voice as she walked into the room and sat beside me on the bed. I nodded looking down at my hockey gear.

"Yea fine, just sore." I said kind of laughing.

"You didn't have to stand up for me, let alone cause a huge fight. Getting hurt your self." She told me, I shrugged.

"You didn't do anything and I could tell that it bothered you." I told her, she nodded grabbing a wet cloth from the bathroom. I tried pushing her hand away, I didn't want her to clean me up.

" Push me away once more Josh." She said with a low tone, I put my hand down letting her do her thing. She's starting to over rule me, like  taking control. Weird.

She put the cloth to my face wiping the blood off, she then put her thumb to my eye and gently glided her thumb back and forth, I flinched, because it wasn't normal for me to have someone do that.

"Sorry, did that hurt?" She asked, I shrugged

"No, just not used to anyone doing that." I said, she nodded but smiled looking at me. I got up taking the cloth from her and placing it on the table. She came up to me, hugging me, wrapping her arms around me laying her head on me.

This is a hug? My brother simply leans on me but slobbers. Unless this is her way of giving me a hug. I like his way better, I wrapped my arms around her hugging her back. She let go as did I, a knock at the door was heard.

I walked over to the door, pushing her gently onto the bed so I could get there first. I opened it slightly to see who it was, the guy asked for us to come down to the van and brins our stuff. I left the door open so we could throw our stuff into the hall.

I grabbed my bags as did Julie, tossing them into a cart in the hall. We followed the rest of the guys, The tall one giving me glares here and there. I huffed and stomped towards him, he stood there. I laughed inside following a cowboy.

We got to the van, putting all our things in the van, the tall guy sat in the front seat as the cowboy sat beside me in the back of the van. Julie and the short kid sat together in the middle. As we drove down to the rink to meet the rest of the team.

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