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Josh's POV

Later that day, I grabbed my old roller blades and hockey stick. Meeting up with some of my old pals, I skated down the streets of Salt Lake City.

"Josh, over here!" I heard Carson yell. I skated towards the basketball courts that are now all fenced in. The guys had tin garbage cans as nets and used the basketball lines as hockey ones.

"Hey guys!" I said doing Carson and I's handshake together.  I saw a few more familiar faces.

"Cameron, Nathan, Tyler, you guys remember little Josh here?" Carson asked, they leaned agaisnt there hockey stick giving me a 'what's up' with their head.

They all came up to me as we did our huge group thing. Carson would pretend to take guns out shooting the four of us, we would pretend were having a seizure then all fall to the ground.

The good times were back, hopfully for good. But not for long. We all laughed getting up making teams, there was only five of us, so 2 vs 2 and 1 man out for line change.

I sat out first seeing what they've gotten better at, honestly it feels like they're so much better then I am. Although I have really good team play and am pretty good at dekes. Tyler came off the field and on I went.


I sat in the living room watching some tv before supper, I was bored. I watched the news with Grand-pa, that's all he ever watches, besides sports. But he didn't want to watch Golf, and neither did I.

The phone rang, the noise bothered me so much. It sounded like an old car horn that would not stop honking. My grand-ma ran to the phone answering it. I shook my head, Grand-pa looked at me.

"She doesn't want to get rid of it. I'm thinking the same as you sport." He said, I guess he does agree with me. He laughed turning the tv off and walking to the kitchen. I went up to my room closing the door behind me. I looked at the hockey posters Michael had hung up.

"Josh, phones for you!" I yelled back down to grand-ma that she could hang up on the other line. I picked up the phone hearing the voice of my dad.

"Hey dad, how's packing the house?" I asked, he let out a small laugh before answering me.

"Fine kiddo, did you read the letter?" I looked beside me at the letter.

"Yea I did, did you send them something about me? Or did they like scout me?" I asked, I heard some sighing, mom must be beside him.

"Kind of, they asked if I knew any hockey players and told them about you. But they may not of picked of you because I said so." There he goes again, making me feel like I'm not the best hockey player, saying that they may have chosen me out of pity.

"Thanks...Dad!" I said, hanging the phone up. I went down stairs to the kitchen sitting with the rest of them. I ate my food in peace, no one talked beside the munching of Michael.

I remembered I have to pack later, all of team usa is meeting up with a team called the Ducks from Minnesota.  Witch meant the good will games were around the corner, I was basically already packed from when I moved back here.

"Josh, something on your mind?" I shook my head, looking up at my Grand-ma.

"Um no, just remembered that I have to get my hockey bag ready for tomorrow." My Grand-pa nodded his head as he ate his chicken. Michael started playing with his food, making little people. Gross, but cool.

"Oh that's right. John make sure your awake to bring him to the airport." Grand-ma said, Grand-pa puffed laughing.

"Me awake, I'm an early riser, he's the one who needs to make sure he's awake." we laughed at grand-pa, boy am I gonna miss them. I don't think I've actually been away from Michael before so it will be hard on the both of us.

We finsihed eating, I went outside for a walk with Michael down to the local convience store. Surpisingly it was closed, we walked down the street further to a small ice cream shop. Michael had a small toy airplane in his hand and was  running around making noises.

We walked in walking up to the counter, I knew what I wanted. But Michael took his precious time picking a flavor then if he wanted a cone or a bowl. A lady came up to the counter asking what we wanted, I looked down at Michael he was still choosing.

"I'll have a mint chocolait chip in a cone." She wrote it down, Michael finally picked a flavor and told the cashier what he wanted. She made our ice creams as I gave the money.

We walked back out heading home for the night, I carried Michael's airplane as he licked the ice cream that was starting to fall off. I laughed looking at him, he got mad and stepped on foot then ran for it.

I sighed chassing after him,my cone was finished and he threw his behind him, forcing the cone to hit me. Great sticky and smelly, now I have to take another shower. He's dead meat!

"Michael!!" I yelled catching up to me, I lifted him over my shoulder carrying him back home. Grand-ma laughed at my shirt and pants, looked like I sprung a leak.

I ran up stairs grabbing clean clothes and entering the bathroom. Locking the door.

Once I finished up my shower, I got dressed and did my hair and by got dressed I mean putting underwear and a t-shirt with long ankle socks. Just like my grand-pa he was wearing the same thing, every night.

I crawled into my bed opening a magazine. Michael was thank god asleep, man I'm happy to get away from his snoring. I fell asleep shorty after opening my comic book, to the sound of Michael dying in his sleep.

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