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Josh's POV

It was getting cold out and turning dark out. My side hurt and I didn't feel like getting up it was too sore. Although I needed to, so I could get back to the dorms.

There was no chance that I was going any where, any time soon. My old team must really hate me now, I was the best on their team and now I'm laying on the streets of LA, alone.

I looked around as less people walked by, laughing or just simply staring down at me. I would roll my eyes or sigh, but even when I did that, no one cared, my Team would.

I closed my eyes, laying on the ground, trying to stay warm and hoping that someone I knew would walk pass me.

Adam's POV

Everyone was up early this morning, surprisingly Guy was out of bed first. Josh's bed was made but he wasn't in the dorm, or any where. Charlie said he may have stayed with his grand-parents and brother, but I'm not too sure about that.

I walked down to the breakfast room, grabbing food and sitting with the rest of my team. Coach Bombay and Miss McKay came in holding papers, looking up and down, but before Coach started his pep talk, he asked us all.

"Where's Baudoin?" He asked with his arms crossed looking around the room. We all looked at each other relying on one another to see if they knew where he was.

"Charlie, Adam, Guy come with me." I looked at the two asking if they knew where he was, they shook their heads.

"Either of you know where hi is?" We all spoke at the same time which was confusing, till Miss McKay told us one at a time to speak. We took turns and all ended up to the same answer, 'We don't know'. Coach sighed.

Coach walked up to Mr Tibbles, asking him stuff. Then we hear Mr Tibbles say, "Gather a search party!" And walks our of the room, followed by Bombay and McKay.

I wasn't staying here, let alone let my best friend be out in the middle of no where. We have a game today and were down a player, myself as it is. Charlie found a new recruit yesterday and were seeing him at the game.

"Where you going?" Ken asked, I looked around the room, and told them that I wasn't gonna sit around all day waiting for them to find him, when I can be out there looking for myself.

Charlie, Guy, Luis, Julie and Connie came with me. We split up into groups of three looking in different spots. Charlie, Julie and I were together as Connie took Guy and Luis.

I ran out the doors of the building looking around, he might be looking around town. We walked for what seemed like ever, when we saw red, white and blue on a side walk. Charlie ran to the colors, Julie and I followed behind hoping it was Josh.

"Come quick." He yelled, Julie sat beside the body as I looked around. I sighed shaking my head thinking who could of done this, yet I knew who exactly it was.

"Josh, Josh, wake-up!" Julie tried shaking him awake. He opened his eyes a slight bit looking around. He sat up getting up but as usual Julie being over protective didn't want him getting hurt.

"What are you guys doing?" He asked, I sat down beside him explaining to him what happened, that's when he said he got attacked by another team, in which Julie went crazy and said she'd get them.

Charlie and I helped him to his feet, he regained balance and consciousness, standing on his own.  We play Canada later and I know he is gonna play  anyway, we may have to lie to coach as to what happened to Josh.

"What happened?" Julie asked as she was freaking out over what happened.

" I got attacked I guess."

"You guess, you could've seriously gotten hurt or even killed. What were you thinking leaving without anyone?" Julie stared him down, I grabbed Josh. I made him follow me back to the dorm building a few blocks away.

"Josh!" Julie screamed chasing us, I told Charlie to take Josh back to the room and get him exercised and changed. I stayed back trying to calm Julie down.

"It's not like he's dead, besides we found him and he's safe." I tried telling her, most girls I know are complicated and weird.

"And, what if he was stabbed or something."

"Why are you so paranoid and uptight. It's Josh, he gets into trouble and fights all the time, and your the only one who cares this most." That's when I sort of realized maybe he means more to her then any of us.

"Obviously when you like someone you'll do anything and want to stay safe." She blurted out faster then I could feel my own heart beat.

"You just admitted out of the blue you like Josh." I teased, I may be a guy, but I'm allowed to tease Julie, she's a teammate and friend.

"Dont' say anything, to him or the other guys, I'll be made fun of. Even worst I'm like one of the guys anyway." She said, I promised her I wouldn't say anything to Josh or the guys.

We walked back to the dorm building, she went her own way with Connie, as I went to my room to se Josh and the guys.

I opened the door to see Josh cleaning him self up and wearing nothing but shorts. I walked over to him doing our handshake with all of them.

"Man they got you good, what they hit you with" Guy asked, he was more concerned with what and how they did to him whether then seeing if he was okay.

"Their hands, but don't tell coach anything, or the rest of the team what happened." The search party was called off when we told everyone we found him at restaurant eating breakfast.

They agreed not to say anything, the thing that bothered me most was that what happened to Josh could be as worst as what happened to her back in Minnesota.

I shook it off trying not to think about it, but what happens if he has a concussion. This won't end too well. I'd know out of anyone, experiencing this was someone.

"Let's go the game starts in two hours." Luis said plowing into our room, we nodded grabbing all our things. We looked at each other then over to Josh, he has to change in the change room with everyone else showing the bruises. This won't be good.

We grabbed our change of clothes for after the game and walked out of the room. I was just hoping no one would say anything.

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