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Josh's POV

I was seated next to Adam and Luis, as we waited till Miss McKay came in for school. We were all tired and bummed out from yesterday.

I couldn't sleep at all, I was busy thinking about the Canadian Team and how they're trying to throw me off. Almost worked, but thankfully I have a good team and Great Coach.

I opened my textbook to page 187, like everyone else. Luis was fast asleep on his desk, I got bored and couldn't wait any longer.

I fell asleep on my sweater.


Julie's POV

I'll be honest, everyone looked like crap. Luis, Josh and Averman fell asleep on their desks. I kept looking over at Josh and Luis here and there. I was stuck near Portman, Goldberg, Charlie and Connie.

Miss McKay walked in and started her lesson. The three boys were asleep and the rest of us would yarn and stretch trying anything to stay awake, then we heard a bang.

We laughed looking at Adam, he had fallen asleep. Miss McKay laughed as she walked towards them gently waking them up. She gave in after Goldberg pleaded to let him go sleep.

She knew we needed this, more then anything. Miss McKay walked up to us asking why we were so tired.

"We lost our game last night. Coach wasn't happy and we were forced to do practice that consisted of sprints till 2 in the morning." Jesse said, she nodded looking at all of us.

Averman woke up and yelled " Captain Blood" then slowly dozed back to sleep, he's a zombie. Luis and Josh looked around the room, trying to stay awake as they held their heads up with their hands.

"Go to your dorms and sleep, take the day off. Practice is canceled today" Miss McKay said, Luis, Josh, Averman and Goldberg rushed to the dorms. I followed Connie out of the classroom, and to our dorm room.

We all went to our dorms going to sleep, were gonna do some conditioning later, some of the team need it.  Connie looked at magazines. I saw a paged ripped out with Guy's face tapped to it. I fell asleep on the couch watching tv.

Josh's POV

I was so tired I couldn't keep my eyes awake. Not only that, I couldn't feel my feet, legs or arms. I flopped onto my bed closing my eyes for a brief moment.

"Dog pile" Guy shouted and jumped on top of me as Adam and Charlie joined in. I was so tired I ignored them and fell asleep, I could feel them moving around on the bed.

Adam fell asleep beside me, with his feet near my face. Charlie  laid his head on Adam's shoulder, and butt in between the two of us. Guy thought he was better then all of us and fell asleep across the top of the three of us.


I looked around the rink as I walked in seeing a girl skating freely on the ice. I stood at the bench watching her as I waited for my team to show up.

You can say I was drooling a bit, I smiled watching her skate and shoot pucks at the net. I watched as she did the same thing, but for me it never got boring.

She turned around and looked at me, her eyes were staring at me. I could tell, her green-ish grey eyes were penetrating. I nearly fell over.

She took her helmet off flipping her hair. I screamed in shock knowing that it was.


"Josh wake up, you screamed" Charlie said, I shot up rubbing my eyes. Adam and him were laughing, Guy was on the floor eating candy as he picked threw the colors he liked. They taste the same, wing nut.

"You alright?" Adam asked, I nodded facing them. They were in their track suits and wearing everything USA. I grabbed a t-shirt and threw it on, white, blue and red to support my country's colors.

I had my track pants on that felt like plastic kind of, I took a bandana and wrapped it around my forehead to keep my hair out of my face. Adam did the same, but he didn't have as much hair. Charlie and Guy put bandanas on following our lead.

"Team USA out!" Charlie yelled as we left the building. We met up with the team outside in a closed in field. We started our exercises, I was sweating and complaining.

I wasn't the only one, plus it pissed Julie and Connie off. Dwayne, Goldberg and I started giving up and laying on the ground. I laughed a few times out of no where as Adam joined in catching on to what I was doing.

"It's not like we could use the conditioning." Julie stated looking at the four of us. I had gotten up walking with Adam.

"Speak for your self Babe" Dean said.That blew my trigger, I told him her name. Adam and I looked at each other, speaking our voices.

"Her name's Julie!" Adam said I looked at him.

"Not babe" I continued as we gave him the stink eye. We walked up to Dean smack talking to him. The whole team blew up and started yelling and fighting till some kid made a comment.

"Man what are you doing here?" Jesse said turning around, him and Jesse went back and forth.

"You need to be the real team USA, not babies. Come with me and my boys, and we'll paly some school yard puck." He said, Dean spoke up. As I took the lead with Jesse, following this kid.

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