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Josh's POV

Our team was standing amongst a group of guys, some of witch looked older, taller, stronger. I stood beside Luis laughing as we stood there. He didn't think they could beat us, they're just a gang of street kids.

Jesse smacked talked against the other team with the help of some of the other team mates. I honestly couldn't care less about this situation, either we win or loose. That's all that matters, not some kid who plays hockey on the street.

The game had started, I was on the bench with Luis and Guy as one of the guys came up to us. He pointed his hockey stick to the three of us, smiling.

"Let's see if Team USA can do more then just look good." I laughed looking at this kid.

"We can do more then that." Luis said, as the three of us did a handshake, he laughed and walked back over to his team on the other end of the court.

We weren't loosing bad at this point, it was tied. I wasn't paying attention to the game, I was dazed off in my own world, thinking of what ever.

"Josh, line change." Charlie said pushing me off the bench. I got up off the bench taking my position on the field. Averman was at face off, he got the puck passing it back to me. Adam was near the other end staying open, I deked a few players before passing up to Adam. Luis ran into the fence falling over, as another player helped him up.

Adam scored, cheering as he came and we fisted bumped smiling. We went back to our spots, staring at the other team as they started with the puck. I stood with Adam, Luis and Fulton as we just saw Russ shoot a nice puck shoot at the garbage can.

"Whoa, how'd you do that?" Fulton went up and asked, he's a great player.

"You like that, that's my knuckle puck." He said smiling, Fulton's jaw dropped, I stood there with my arms crossed, it was another line change.  Ken, Goldberg, Dwayne Connie and Guy were on the field.

I sat down drinking water, sitting beside Adam, honestly he's my best friend. I watched as the puck was being passed back and forth down the field making goals and cheering. Ken got scared as a guy ran up to him.

I stood up watching as this guy drops his stick, gloves then pulled Ken's shirt over his head. I nodded with a slight smile. Ken said something then did the same. I realized that they weren't only here to play against us, but helping us.

They taught Ken a few things, showed us a few moves and gave us advice. I guess coming here wasn't a bad idea after all. We all did a handshake as we said good bye to the guys. We hopped on a bus with all our gear heading back to the dorms.

I was tired, most of the guys dropped their stuff off heading to the showers. I went to the showers with most of team.(Not the girls) There were 30 some showers in this huge room, half of them were in one big open area with a small wall in between or none.

I laughed. I hit Adam's chest looking at him, he looked grossed out so did Guy.

"I think these showers will do." Guy said running over to the showers with doors and curtains. I laughed man this kid can't get any funnier. No wonder why that girl likes him.

The rest of us followed closing the curtain as we heard the other showers turn on. I finished my shower, changing putting on a t-shirt and sweats. I dried my hair fixing it in the mirror. The rest of the guys were still showering so I went back to the dorm.

I walked in to see the whole room out of order, clothes were everywhere. Guy's magazines were all ripped and taped to the walls. My Canada jersey was hung on the ceiling with someone else's ducks jersey, it said #77. I couldn't see the name.

The bathroom was flooded, someone turned the tap on. I sighed placing a hand on my forehead, Adam, Guy and Charlie came into the room. I knew who did this, and I wasn't going to let them get away with this.

"Oh shit" Guy yelled looking at the wall, seeing his magazines. He ripped them off the wall, Adam looked up at the ceiling seeing my jersey. He sighed, shaking his head.

"What the hell happened. We were gone for like an hour at the showers." Charlie said, I looked at him.

"Canadians"(I'm Canadian and I don't want to diss my country, so I'm gonna be somewhat nice about this). I told them, they shook their heads, Adam knew who did this, from the note.

"Isn't that her jersey?" Guy pointed to the ceiling at the ducks jersey. Her? Her who? Adam nodded taking it down and putting it back in his bag, I took mine down throwing it in my bag.

We cleaned our room, waiting for more towels to clean this flood. I know where their dorms are and I'll get revenge. Tonight!

I called the guys over, showing them a plan that I made. They nodded, continuing on with cleaning, this is the first that I thought I would have cleaned while I was here.

"Just the four of us?" Charlie asked, I nodded heading down stairs to the food room. I was too lazy to leave the building, to get food.

Julie, Connie, Averman, Jesse and Dwayne were at a table eating and laughing. Adam and I ran to the buffet filling plates with food, Charlie and Guy just got here and did the same. Filling our water bottles with juice and rushing back to the room.

"Whoa what's the rush?" Coach asked, we looked at him turning around.

"Watching a marathon, that's all" Guy said, he can't watch a scary movie to save his life, neither can the rest of us. Coach nodded leaving the room. I walked down the hall with Charlie, heading to the elevator.

"Marathon?" Really." Julie said turning us to face her, we nodded looking at each other.

"Can you keep a secret?" Charlie asked, she nodded. We made her follow us to our dorm, telling her about what happened and that we were going to get revenge, tonight. She wanted in, but none of us wanted her in.

"Fine your in, but don't say a word, or get them pissed. My old team will kill me." I told her, she nodded heading back down stairs, as we grabbed the supplies that we needed.

D2(TMD)~ The Kid With A Hockey StickTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang