... a random person. I wasn't turning into anyone special. I was still me. Still Rin. Just... nervous Rin.

But nervous didn't even begin to describe the anxiety that was creeping through me.

My deep breathing steadily increased in speed. Thousands of people. TV. Ia would be there with her friends. The other Vocals would be sitting on that ledge, watching me. Me. Everyone was watching me. Waiting for me. Coming to this show to see me. The mystery Vocal. The new girl. It was me. It was all about me.

There you go again, my mind taunted, but I didn't listen. I wasn't excited to be the center of attention. No, quite the opposite. Everyone was tuning in to see me. And it sent a terror through me that I couldn't describe with words. Oh God.


Somewhere in there, I had started to shake. I'm cold, I told myself. It's cold.

"Are you okay?" It was Gumi. Her soft footsteps led up behind me. She sat in the seat next to me. Her outfit was much more appropriate for the weather.

"Y-yeah," I shivered. "I'm fine. Just needed some air."

A small grin appeared on her face. "Nervous?"

"Nervous doesn't begin to explain it," I blurted out.

She crossed her legs, leaning forward. "I know how you feel."

She did. She had been in my place not too long ago. The only person I could really relate to was sitting here next to me. To my surprise, my breathing slowed.

"It's a lot different when you actually get on stage," she promised me, looking over the mountains beyond the city. "At least, it was for me. Seeing everyone up there really helped me more than anything. Like the stage-fright disappeared the second I was on stage."

I grunted in response. That seemed... unlikely to happen to me.

"Why are you dressed like you're going to the pool?"

I laughed at the sudden change in subject. "I didn't want to change out of my pajamas."

"Pssh," she chuckled. "Me neither. But breakfast was waiting."

"Is that why you're up so early?"

She smiled. "Food wins over sleep. Plus, Meiko snores like a hippo."

I couldn't help but laugh. "Len's completely silent. I was surprised."

Her shoulders shrugged. "He's a quiet guy. Both asleep and awake."

The cold air filled me once again. A soft smile came to me. "He's cool, though."

"He stop being a dick to you yet?"

"It's on and off."

She raised her eyebrows in mock surprise. "Hey, that's better than nothing."

"Tell me about it."

Her arms stretched over her head. She dropped them with a content sigh. "You hungry?" She asked as she stood.

I shook my head. "Not really, but I'll come with you."

The green-haired girl cocked her head to the side, flashing a smile at me. "Cool."

Turns out, I was starving. And just when I had loaded my plate to the brim with pancakes, eggs, bacon, toast, and the like, more of the Vocals joined us in the breakfast room.

We sat at one of the circular tables. I sat between Gumi and Miku, and across from me were Kaito and Luka.

"Didn't get the memo that guys are supposed to sleep in, huh?" Miku waved a french toast stick at the blue-haired boy.

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