Chapter 13

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I didn't want to part with the stuff I had the nurse get for me, mostly the mirror because it was convenient for hiding my stuff, so I bought them from the hospital and packed everything up. I sent the exercise stuff to my private gym and brought the mirror and scale to Kyoya's house. He set them up it the room for me and I was surprised that he hadn't noticed the stuff rattling around inside or the fact that it opened in general. A week went by and the group seemed to notice what I was doing. On multiple occasions they told me that I was anorexic or too skinny. After a week of the constant comments like that and people trying to get me to eat again I stopped going to school. A couple of days after that I packed up all of my stuff and went home. I couldn't take seeing the pained look in Kyoya's eyes. He never said anything but I could tell he was disappointed in me. He was worried again. I knew I had a problem at this point but didn't know how to even begin to fix it and I was so afraid to face it.

----July 3rd, 2018: Monday----

~82.4 lbs.
Calorie Intake: 
Food Log:

(A/N: this is gonna be a phone call)

Fuyumi: "Hello?"

Skye: "H-hey... it's me."

Fuyumi: "Oh my gosh! Where have you been? We've been so worried!"

Fuyumi: "Kyoya won't tell us why you stopped going to school or why you left."

Skye: "I'll explain in a bit. Can we just meet up somewhere? Maybe out of town?"

  Fuyumi: "Sure but is everything okay?" 

  Skye: "I'll explain when we meet up."

>>>>>mini time skip<<<<<

Fuyumi walked into the cafe I told her to me at and I waved her over. She gave me a strange look of confusion as she sat down.

"It's so hot outside and there's no A/C here, just ceiling fans, aren't you hot? I never said anything back at the house... I figure you were just sensitive to the air conditioning but you're still in a hoodie and sweats." she said "I don't get it."

"Come to the bathroom with me a second. I need to show you something." I said

She did as I said and followed me to the bathroom the bathroom was a small room with only two stalls and a few sinks. She flipped the lock on the entrance to the bathroom door, realizing I was going to be changing out of the clothes, and waited patiently outside of the stalls as I stripped down to my bra and underwear in one of them.

"This is is what I need help with." I said while stepping out

My ribs, sternum, and collar bones nearly popped out of my body and my limbs were nothing more than bone. Even my hips were so bony they you could confuse me with a skeleton.

"I wanna get better but I don't even know where to start. I don't want to hurt Kyoya anymore. I saw what my eating disorder was doing to him and I can't bare to be the reason for him being so miserable. I just want him to be happy again."

"Well how many calories do you eat per day?" she asked


"Well then we start there. You need to have at lease 2000 calories per day and at least 200 grams of carbs." she said "How much do you weigh?"

"82.4" I said quietly

I would have sworn her eyes were going to fall out of her head from how wide they went.

"A healthy weight for your height and frame is around 120! You're about 40 pounds underweight!"

I walked simply pulled my clothes back on and we walked out of the bathroom. She ordered a protein shake and handed it to me. I stared down at it for nearly five minutes before convincing myself to drink it for Kyoya's sake and took a small sip. I quickly went into panic mode and tried to run off to the bathroom to purge it but Fuyumi grabbed my hand and walked out of the cafe with me, bringing the accursed drink with us. She helped me into the back of the limo she took here and sat next to me. She once again passed me the drink and I knew she wanted me to finish it. When we walked inside of her house Akito and Yuuichi had happened to be inside. She look over at me and I just gave her a small nod, knowing she wanted to get their help. I took another begrudging sip of the shake and finished the little bit that remained while she explained my situation to them.

>>>>>time skip past a few months of working on getting better<<<<<

I had been staying in the hospital so that Yuuichi and Akito could monitor my health as I recovered and ensure I didn't feed into old habits. I was dismissed a day before school started up again. I thanked him, Akito, and Fuyumi for helping me while they drove me back to their house. I had just gotten out of my manor to change into something other than sweats and a hoodie.

 I had just gotten out of my manor to change into something other than sweats and a hoodie

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I took a deep breath and knocked on Kyoya's door. There was no response. I sighed and rested my head on the door, my hand never leaving the door, and fought to will away the tears of guilt that were streaming slowly down my cheeks. After a few seconds I wiped the tears away from my face and sat on the floor next to the door. Every hour or so I'd knock again but he never responded. Fuyumi came up to me with a plate of chicken.

"Here's some dinner." she said and sat across from me against the other wall eating her own plate of food after placing a plate for Kyoya in front of the door

I knocked again. No answer. when she was done eating, Fuyumi walked off. After a couple of hours I felt myself getting tired but remained in my spot on the floor. I knocked again but halfway through my arm became too heavy to hold as I drifted to sleep.

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