Chapter 10

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(A/N: Sorry but it's a short chapter)

>>>>>time skip a few weeks<<<<<

Skye's P.O.V

After the rager a few weeks ago, everything good seemed a little less excitable and everything bad seemed so much worse. My nightmare has pushed me further down the path of my dark thoughts of suicide and almost every moment I feel overwhelmed, oppressed, depressed, or something else negative. I walked down the streets with my hood up. I had snuck out of Kyoya's place around two in the morning and was just a block away from my destination. I reached it and turned into the alleyway.

"You're here?" the guy asked "Usually you only show up during a rager."

"Fairy Tale." I said monotonously "Do you have anymore?"

"How much?" he asked

"Just a few." I said

He handed me the syringes and told me the cost. I paid him what I owed him and added his number to my phone. Apparently his name was Rio. I walked back to Kyoya's house. I snuck back in unnoticed and slipped back into his bed.

>>>>>time skip a few days<<<<<

I had just sobered up from the high of my last syringe. Within a few hours I was already feeling the negativity of the world even stronger than ever. The past few days I'd been taking the syringe after school. I called Rio.

"I'm out." I said

"How much?" he asked

"Twenty" I said

Later that night we met up and I picked up the syringes.

>>>>>time skip a few weeks<<<<<

"I'm out." I said

"How much." he asked

"Whatever you got." I said

I picked up the syringes later that night and didn't bother to leave before injecting myself with the first one. I walked back to Kyoya's place I hid away the several boxes that I had bought from Rio.

>>>>>time skip a few weeks<<<<<

Tamaki's P.O.V

I saw Skye walking to school and had my limo driver stop.

"You want a ride Skye?" I asked

She didn't seem to notice me until I spoke and turned her head  with an ecstatic expression when she saw me.

"I'd love one!" she beamed

"You seem chipper today." I laughed

"I don't know what you're talking about." she said, swaying to the music

We got to the school early so I spent the time with Skye. Lunch came and I rushed to the club room. When everyone was there I pulled them to the side.

"Tamaki senpai?" Haru asked "What's this about?"

"Something is wrong with Skye. I need you guys to help me keep an eye on her." I said

"What do you mean?" the twins asked

"I don't know how to explain it but she's acting inhumanly happy and completely oblivious to anything bad. She accidentally walked into a lit Bunsen burner and got a second degree burn on her arm. She would have gotten a third or fourth degree if I hadn't moved her because she simply stayed where she was despite the fire directly touching her skin. I took her to the nurse but the whole way there she was laughing and doing some sort or swaying or dancing thing as she walked."

"It's like after the party." Haru said to Kyoya

"I know." he responded "But it sounds like whatever she's on is much stronger."

>>>>>mini time skip to after school<<<<<

Haru's P.O.V

I saw Skye walking in the street so I decided to follow her to ask her what was going on with her and if she was okay. She wasn't acting strangely anymore so I wanted to talk before it happened again. I followed her into an alleyway and watch in horror as she sat against the wall, pulled out a syringe, and injected it into her vein. Within moments she was acting strangely again. I went to run off to tell the others but she spotted me before I could.

"HARU!!" she cheered and swayed over to me before hugging me "Let's hang out."

I thought for a moment and figured I can use this to get her to come with me to see the guys.

"Alright." I said "Let's go to my house."

"YAY!" she practically sang

I brought her to my house, knowing my dad wouldn't get back until late, and call the guys. They rushed over.

"Where's Kyoya senpai?" I asked

"He's seeing if she has any at his house." Honey senpai explained

It didn't take long for Kyoya to arrive with several empty boxes.

"What's all this?" I asked

"Her stash." he said in an exhausted sigh "There was one left and from the looks of it she only got it a few weeks ago." he added while holding up the syringe

"We need to take her to a rehab center and you need to get that thing studied." the twins said

"Agreed." we all said as Skye began to happily hum to herself while braiding Mori's hair

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